While doing a "marathon" milling session today for a client project, my FS-350 started to get noisy and there was that absolutely wonderful aroma of, um...burnt rubber. A bit of investigation determined that the tire on the idler wheel for the infeed/outfeed rollers was loose and wandering on the wheel. Is there a product of some sort that I can use to bond that tire to the wheel? The parts manual seems to only offer the whole wheel and tire as a single part...and I'm waiting with baited breath to find out what it costs once my password at PartsPronto gets reset.

Your thoughts? The tire is the "orange thing" and is about 3-4mm give or take thick and made of some form of rubber like compound. The wheel is cast metal.


I did manage to get through the remaining material, but have other jobs waiting, so a solution to keep that tire from wandering would be nice...thanks in advance!