Our local colosseum/civic center has now cancelled all events. State government is moving to work-from-home arrangements for any and all employees and I would guess it will be S.O.P. across the board shortly. We are one of the rare states with zero "reported" cases to date but I'd guess thats just a matter of time.

Its time for China, Africa, and the rest, to address bush meat. The world has changed. Ritual, tradition, and superstition, pecking the skull caps off monkeys and eating bats and ant eaters can no longer be allowed. The sad part about this entire thing is its going to foment nasty nasty divisions between governments and countries. China is pretty much black balled in this entire thing and perhaps rightly so.

The global financial impact of this mess is going to be immeasurable and all because of some goofy ritual of live markets and taking home bush meat. If these countries want to isolate themselves theyve done a good job at laying that foundation.