I am trying to figure out the best way to install the bottom shelf on a frame and panel cabinet and what to use.

The top photo shows the bottom rail that will support it in front. Didn't really give much thought to the bottom shelf until after I got to this point.

I am thinking of using 3/4 maple plywood rather than solid wood except for edge banding in front if needed.

I saw an article with plans for a nightstand (much narrower than this cabinet) that had the bottom sitting on a rabbet at the back of the front rail. The shelf stood a little proud of the rail to provide a stop for the cabinet doors once installed, and it was glued to the rail and glued into grooves on the lower side and back rails.

Wondering if 3/4 ply is overkill or if 1/2 will be sufficient without a support rail in the middle. Also, whether gluing all the way around is going to add strength versus creating problems with wood movement.

Any suggestions?

Top view with bottom rail on top.jpg
