Hi guys,

So to update my previous thread with a bit of info.
I just recieved my quote from the rep, but he sent me 2.


Speedy 300
80 Watt
Honeycomb table
2.0" and 2.5" lenses
Delivery, setup etc

Price: $45.000

Speedy 360 (demo model)
80 watt
Standard table
2.0" lens
Delivery + setup etc

Price: $38.000
This is of course EU prices, so some kind of difference should be expected, just didnt expect that much of a difference. :O
Havent gotten around telling him, that im a member of this site yet. Would that do a bit of magic with the prices?

Also there is a trade show coming up later this month, where Trotec is represented. Would it hurt, that i told him, that i would attend it to check out the competition and the current booth from Trotec?

Last but not least. I know the 360 has bigger table size, but the size and that its not able to get into the place where i want it, makes it a bit of a hard choice. :O Also the rep forgot about the exhaust system, that I also wanted a price for.

Any ideas and advice?