I also thought give me a break.

If this person sells the thing for that price I’ll be amazed..

Maybe the 1 is a typo?


It’s is a very nice little saw but not that nice.

Quote Originally Posted by Dave Sabo View Post
When I lived down there , it was hard to find any woodworking equipment new or used. I doubt much has changed. INCA was never a big seller like Delta or even something like Festool. As I recall they had two sources : Eagle on the left coast and Garrett Wade on the east. Given the tools cost 3-4 times what a comparable domestic piece cost they just weren't big sellers. I think much the same happened worldwide because they went belly up years ago.

I see INCA stuff pop up in Atlanta every year, but I'm not sure what you'd consider crazy prices. Most stuff I see is $800-1000. Personally, I'd consider Patrick's find at $1750 to be absurd.