Hi, hope all is doing well and have a good holiday season!
I bought a Boss laser (LS16-30 60W) about 4 years ago and have really liked their machine. We haven't had much problem with it and the support has been great. We are thinking about adding a second laser (one with a 100W or higher tube). Is the price difference between buying a 2nd boss laser or getting an Epilog worth it. This supports my wife (she does full time engraving) and we stay some what busy (it pays some of the bills!) I've done some research and found that a lot of people really like Epilog. Their machines seems to run faster and last longer? Is this true? Can one justify paying $$$$ more for an Epilog over the boss?
If you own a new epilog or an old one, please tell me what you like about it and the benefits to it over the boss laser we currently have.

Thank you and have a blessed day.