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Thread: robinia ball fail

  1. #1

    robinia ball fail

    Hi all

    today il tryed a Robinia baal, but close to the end it broke up

    il thinked a long time if i should show the movie, at the end i loks impressiv so i only make a slomotion.

    i was lukky and nothing happens to me not even a blue blessure

    best regards


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Trenton SC, in the CSRA
    Glad there no injuries.

  3. #3
    I was looking at the black on the tailstock end and thinking 'that doesn't look good', and then it blew up. I pretty much avoid anything that doesn't look sound...

    robo hippy

  4. #4
    hi hippy

    there was not the problem, the tailstock was on a save place but the pice had a crack what i dount saw it

    best regards


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