A few weeks ago, George and my son and I repositioned the telescope’s primary mirror to correct a focusing issue. We had planned to get the scope out that weekend to see how it performed but things “came up” and we had to postpone. Last night (11/10) we got the scope out again. We had hoped to be able to view Saturn and Jupiter but they were both below the horizon so we just had a moon viewing. Everything worked well but the moon was almost full and very bright so it was hard to see a lot of detail.

We were able to get some pictures using an old iPhone 4 and an adaptor. These are not what anyone would consider “professional” images and there are certainly better images of the moon available. But being able to take our own pictures using our own telescope was very satisfying. As with anything else, using a telescope involves a learning curve and we are, at this point, rank amateurs. But the learning is enjoyable and each new “discovery” adds to that enjoyment.



