Miracle of the Sawdust

It was late November in 1774, and residents in Springfield, Massachusetts were gearing up for another bitter winter. Ted Fieldstone was considered the most talented woodworker in the community. He always saved the sawdust from his projects and would spread it around his property in early spring to absorb the water from the melting snow. On a cold December day, a howling wind knocked over the barrel where Ted stored his sawdust and a cyclone of dust quickly disappeared. As luck would have it a mild winter followed and the skilled craftsman didn’t have a need to take care of the usual muddy conditions.

From that time onward, every December 1st, hoping to repeat the “Miracle of the Sawdust,” Ted and his friends would take a handful of wooden shavings, throw it into the wind, and follow up chugging a mug of their favorite whiskey. While there is no historical evidence that these actions brought comfortable winters, Ted and his neighbors always enjoyed an opportunity to down some spirits.

So, grab some lucky sawdust and participate in Ted Fieldstone’s time-honored tradition by throwing it into the wind. Hopefully good fortune and a mild winter will come to you and your friends. Of course, be sure to prepare your favorite cocktail!