Just opened a program on one of my XP computers, that is supposed to be blocked from the internet by my not-cheap Linksys router, and I got an ad message-- so I open Firefox to check, sure enough, internet works. Opened up my Linksys, and sure enough, "Always" block internet access is checked. I'm posting this from the XP, have windows open to both, which I'm taking a screenshot of *now*...

and here's the slightly downsized pic below- access blocked, but obviously it's not I've checked my IP addresses, everything matches ups, I have no conflicts or duplicate 'NEWDELL-XP' computers. I haven't checked my other blocked computers yet, need to do that. In the meantime, I'm not exactly sure how to disable this computer's internet access while still leaving it on my network, while I try to figure out why the router's not doing it... any ideas?