Hey All

I have been sharpening my WW tools with a variety oif methods over the years. Slow speed grinder plus water stones, Tormek, Work Sharp, Lap Sharp, etc. - tried em all. I am using a set of diamond plates right now from Trend Micro - works as well as the water stones for the most part.

I have never used Arkansas stones. I know nothing about them. I was always of the opinion that Arkansas stones were basically the precursor to water stones, and while they had a historical place, they were pretty much old tech and not really worth the trouble.

Well, as I myself get older and am becoming "old tech" myself, I wanted to at least raise the question. I don't want my technology bias to limit me - is there a current use for Arkansas stones? Am I classifying this group of stones correctly - under one umbrella of "Arkansas Stones"? I am talking about the stones that you see at swap meets in their wooden holder and have oil stains all over.

Just wanted the 411 on these stones, and if there is a scenario where they are the most effective tool to sharpen plane blades and chisels. Also some carving tools...

Just asking - responses are very appreciated.
