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Thread: "Mail" order black walnut

  1. #16
    Yes my bad..

    I have trouble with their name..

    The way it sounds on their voicemail always makes me question is spelling and pronunciation..

    So far they are my favorite regardless. In my experience way better than Hearn. Nothing wrong with Hern just overpriced and you kinda get what you get from my experience if you want perfect your gonna have to sell a organ at Hearn. With these other guys have a great consistent high quality product hand picked for my project for what I consider I fair price.

    I guess doing what I do I never purchase extremely small quantities. Normally at least 2-300 bf. This last walnut order though was only 60-70bf and they Irion had no problem selling it to me. It was on my loading dock two days after I placed the order..

    I have had a good experience with Horizone also.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Shrewsbury, VT
    I haven't heard back from Horizon - strange, we had a good conversation. But - small order for an outfit geared toward large pieces - I'll try to be patient. I am planning a trip to WV in a week or two, so a side trip to Irion is a distinct possibility, thus sidestepping the minimum order for shipping.

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