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Thread: A new Desk for me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio

    A new Desk for me

    "old" one is cramped, small drawers....not enough room for the computer I am
    Came up with a rough "Plan"..
    Computer desk, rough plan.JPG
    Picked up about 40bf of Ash....($20.....)
    Lumber stash 2.JPG
    Then drew up a better Plan...
    Computer desk Project, plan before the changes.JPGCompter desk, side plan.JPG
    More as a guide, than anything carved in stone....(already a few design changes have been made..)
    In order to get to building...all the extra "toys" needed to be cleared off the bench...
    tool drawer, filling up.JPG
    So the first load of boards could sit ON the bench...(may have to open a second drawer, someday?)
    Computer Desk Project, first boards.JPG
    I also made up a Cut List ( which saw a few changes, as I went along)
    Computer desk Project, plan before the changes.JPG
    Rails went from 21" down to around 16-18" 1-1/2 wide....stiles are 30-3/4" x 2" wide....raised panels? will cut to fit..
    Had a lot of rip and crosscuts to do, and try not to get a bunch of big cutoffs...
    Computer Desk Project, rip fence set up.JPG
    Set up for ripping the stiles for width....that fence got a work out, yesterday....had two 2 hour work sessions with a break inbetween for Gatorade...even with the shop fan on "HIGH" was still a bit toasty down in the Dungeon Shop....
    So..this is part 1....stay tuned for the next "exciting episodes" right here...same Bat Time, same Bat Channel

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Stiles: there are 6 of these. 2 for each side panel. Ripped the "best" pieces out of 3 of the 4 planks...
    Computer Desk Project, 6 stiles.JPG
    And save the narrow stuff for later...enough for most of the 15 rails needed...
    There was a couple "problems" with these 6,
    Computer Desk Project, thickness problems.JPG
    Not all were the same thickness....same with the rails. reset the fence (again) to match the skinniest one....ran everybody through. The 2" height of the rails meant I needed 2 passes, as the saw won't go up that far....the other problem?
    Computer Desk Project, not square.JPG
    Some of the lengths did not match the ganged up all 6...
    Computer Desk Project, ganged up.JPG
    Far ends are up against a planing stop, to keep them all flush..took this stack to the saw...missed going all the way, height-wise by 1/8"...bandsaw the trim...
    Computer Desk Project, square now.JPG
    All even, now. The rails I had were treated just a bit differently...groups of 4 or so, to get the 11 done...
    Computer Desk Project, just starting up.JPG
    This floor WAS clean, went I started..
    Stay tuned...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok..Needed to haul one more plank to the shop...hmm, had some issues..
    Compter Desk Project, junk board.JPG
    Don't think I want to use this end..nor..
    Computer Desk Project, not any better.JPG
    Was this any better...good thing I only needed this much..
    Computer Desk Project, only need the middle.JPG
    Thought I could get all 4 pieces I needed...nope, saw kerf thing...#4 was too narrow...looked through the stash of scraps....found a clear pine board, close to the size I needed..
    Computer Desk Project, 15 rails.JPG
    Will be a top rail, in between the drawer units...out of sight. Now, all of these boards need a 1/4" x 1/4" groove...Most were too narrow to use the Stanley do 36 grooves.
    Reset the rip fence, lowered the blade to 1/4" height...made a couple passes each way...
    Computer Desk Project, groove clean out.JPG
    I did set up and use the 45 to clean out the bottoms of all the grooves. A few rails were a bit rough along the non-grooved edge...we have ways..
    Computer Desk Project, edge cleaned.JPG
    Then reset the rip fence...time to cut some tenons...
    Computer Desk Project, tenon maker.JPG
    All 30 of them..(had to stop and clean out the underside of the saw..
    Stay tuned..
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    need to set up a little jig, next..
    Compter Desk Project, mortise jig...JPG
    Reset it to hold each stile, while I chop a mortise.
    Busy 4 hours?
    Computer Desk Project, busy day.JPG
    Will be a late start, today...maybe later this evening? need to see about cutting 12 blanks, to make the raised panels from...plan is to use that figured Ash..
    Lumber stash 2.JPG
    That 7 footer laying to the of the board ( it was cut down from 11') is under it, in the pile. I think I can avoid the big least THAT one.
    Plan is to get all three side panels done, then work on a way to connect them all,,,with runners for about a week or so, I can start on building the drawers...
    Stay tuned...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    had errands to run, and still do...but...there are now 12 blanks cut to length..roughly...avoided about half the knots and splits. Took three planks to get enough "GOOD" lumber the right length....way too many round trips to the shop, today....COPD does not like stairs...

    large pile of sawdust from under the saw? 9 loads into a dust pan, and then into the trash can i have for scraps/shavings, paper, and other burnables

    next trip to the shop? need to move everything off the bench, and set up to raise some panels...need at least one done, to lay out where the rails will go...

    rails for the top and bottoms of the side panels needed their tenons trimmed a bit..did not bother with adding a haunch...won't be seen, anyway...

    Stay tuned....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    needed three planks hauled to the shop....thanks to hauling the 7 footer down first, the cussing started right off the bat...had to cut and sort my way...picking out the "pick of the Litter" until I had enough blanks...
    Computer Desk Projet, panel blanks.JPG
    A little rough around the edges? We have ways...
    Computer Desk Project, plane set up.JPG
    Millers Falls No. 11,Type 2...seemed to be about the right size...
    Computer Desk Project, smoothed edge.JPG
    need to figure which face will be the "show side"...
    Computer Desk Project, show side.JPG
    Works for out the P. Sellers Panel Raiser plane..
    Computer Desk Project, panel raiser.JPG
    Hmmm, I think it might be too big? Went with a Stanley No.3c, instead. needed a "stop line"...
    Computer Desk Project, stop line.JPG
    About 1" in from the edges...ran the plane at a diagonal to the grain, doing the end grain first...
    Computer Desk Project, ends first.JPG
    wanted just under 1/2" left the two ends beveled..then I could bevel the long grain sides..
    Computer Desk Project, side bevels 2.JPG
    Using the #11. Wanted a nice, crisp 45 degree corner detail..
    Stay tuned..more coming right up..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    and...we're back. all the bevels were done on this one panel, for now....will get the other 11 panels done later...that 1/2" thick edge won't fit into a 1/4' wide groove. Plus, I wanted the inside of the panels flush with the inside of the frames...soo
    Computer Desk Project, rebate.JPG
    1/4" x 1/4" rebate. all around on the "inside" of the panel...was going to use the Ward's 78...spur wasn't cutting.. More cussing.. set up the Stanley 45...but, rather than mess around with it's spurs...I set up the tablesaw. 1/4" blade height, fence 1/4" from the outside of the blade...then just run the 45. test fit?
    Computer Desk Project, test fit.JPG
    I had to reset the saw it was still set up to trim tenons..
    Computer Desk Project, tenon trimmed.JPG
    On the top and bottom rails. Got all the rebates done and fitted...and even used this fancy plane to fine tune the bevels, a bit..
    WR 62, aka slowpoke.JPG
    so...a view from inside the case?
    Computer Desk Project, inside view.JPG
    one down, 11 to go...and a look from the "outside" of the case?
    Computer Desk Project, outside view.JPG
    Now, I can lay out the spacing for the mortises, that those tenons will go in. 4 panels per side.
    Computer Desk Project, shavings.JPG
    was a busy evening...
    Stay tuned ( anyone want to show up, and help out?)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Took the morning off, from the Shop...Boss wanted to "check out" a few yard sales......$8 for a 4pc set of wide Stanley No. 60 @ 2300hrs...may do a little clean up, or it didn't happen?
    Yard sale stanley chisels.JPGYard sale stanley chisels, caps.JPGYard sale Stanley chisels, nicked edge.JPGYard sale Stanley chisels, logo.JPG
    Skinny one is 5/8" widest is 1-1/2" and a pair of 1-1/4" of which has lived a hard life.

    maybe by this afternoon, I can get 11 more panels raised? Need a better way to clamp them down....first one wanted to hop around a bit...
    Last edited by steven c newman; 06-29-2019 at 11:23 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, decided to joint all the edges on those other 11 panels...
    Computer Desk Project, 11 more panels jointed.JPG
    Not all were the same width...ran the other edges through the saw...
    Computer Desk Project, crowded bench.JPG
    And to make sure the edges were parallel to each other...made a lot of shavings, too..
    Computer Desk Project, more shavings.JPG
    was feeling pretty good, too.....until..
    Computer Desk Project, ooops.JPG
    ooops...had to slim panel #1 down, to match the rest...
    Computer Desk Project, almost there....JPG
    between taking a saw kerf off of both edges, and running a jointer, was getting close..Jointer?
    Computer Desk Project, #62 jointer.JPG
    Worked great...until I had to re-do the now fat bevels...
    Computer Desk Project, tear-out machine.JPG
    Kept getting a bit of tear-out. Finally, width matched the rest, and a dry fit..
    Computer Desk Project, dry fitted.JPG
    Since I had to re-do the rebates as well..and chase them with the stanley 45, again. now everything fits.
    back is sore, too many trips up and down the stairs. Will try again, tomorrow, to get something done?
    Stay tuned..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    roh-kay, raggy....just over 3 hours of shop time, 5 more panels raised...
    Computer Desk Project, 6 panels raised.JPG
    Which leaves only 6 more to do...enough that a dry fit could be attempted, to lay out for the mortises...
    Computer Desk Project, mortise layouts.JPG
    I had first just used a couple rails, and one panel, and marked where the tenons went...
    Computer Desk Project, not right.JPG
    However, when I went with a full dry fit...the markings were way off? try another approach...
    Computer Desk Project, re-mark layouts.JPG
    Grabbed a second stile, plopped it in place, and then marked the correct locations...then got a few more stiles...
    Computer Desk Project, quitting time!.JPG
    Made sure they were all lined up, then ganged them together. I was just going to strike across with a square, so all these mortises would line up. Was a long, hot day...
    Computer Desk Project, clean up in aisle 1.JPG
    Even the stanley 45 thought so...
    Computer Desk Project, 45's shavings.JPG
    back was hurting, time to stop for the day....
    Computer Desk Project, running low.JPG
    Was running low, anyway.
    May try a second shift, later this evening..IF things cool off in the shop...
    Stay I boring anyone, yet?

  11. #11
    That's a big project and you are really digging in and getting it done! I'm a big Gatorade consumer, too. We thin it beyond
    what the label says ,to cut down on the sugar.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Migjt think about reducing the spacing between drawers. 2 inches is a bit wide. Maybe just 1 inch??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Texas Hill Country
    I enjoy reading your threads Steven. I like the way you just dive in and go forward. A trait I all too often need to develop.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    OK..plan right now is to have 3/4" thick drawer the drawers will be sliding on 3/4" runners....will see how things line up. No webframes, this time around.

    Shop fan..
    Shop Fan.JPG
    Set on HIGH...still not enough....however, I managed to clamp 4 stiles together, mark out where the mortises needed to be on them....
    Computer Desk project, 4 rails clamped.JPG
    Dug out three chisels...
    Computer Desk project, mortise tools.JPG
    Used the 6mm to mark each good hit. Wide chisel is to clean up the walls of the mortise....fancy hand has a hook, to clean out the bottoms of a mortise
    Computer Desk project, mortised.JPG
    needs a bit of fine tuning? Dry fit, with a second rail to help hold things upright...
    Computer Desk project, first rail set.JPG
    And to make sure the next mortise will line up...and that was about it, for a Monday...
    Will see how tomorrow goes...may get at least one side panel into the clamps with a bit of glue? While I raise the rest of the panels (6)....
    Stay tuned...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    have 19 more mortises chopped...took about an hour, today..
    computer desk project, other half done.JPG
    Checked each one for fit..
    computer desk project, no gaps.JPG
    and panels, too..
    computer desk project, 1st panel fits.JPG
    Cut a foot profile...
    computer desk project, feet details.JPG
    A dry fit showed the raised panels were a tad too long...adjusted that. then a glue up..
    computer desk project, 1st side glued up.JPG
    Then raised a few more panels...checking for fit...
    computer desk project, 2nd side, dry fit 2.JPG
    to build side #2. One panel was....special...
    computer desk project, knotty.JPG
    Not only do I need to plane a bevel here...
    computer desk project, knottu rebate.JPG
    Need a rebate, as well....but, when I place a rail...the rail covers the defect

    Stay tuned..

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