...but a great one for me!

Just prepared a couple of white pine rules at 5 mm thickness as per my wife's specs. Less than 10 minutes to rip at my TS something thicker and to finish using my Jack plane and to chamfer with block plane. Linseed oil for finishing directly as no sanding was required.

A couple of months ago I corrected my workbench tabletop just using a steel rule and the Jack plane in five minutes. Previously at the beginning of this year I adjusted some parts of one big shoes' stand I was making to my wife with a shooting board and the Jack plane in just few minutes. I made some interesting joints using 3" x 3" stock and (for the first time) using only manual tools (chisels, hand saw and block plane) in the beginning of this month. I squared several small pieces of wood using only manual tools also, just for fun - including a couple of smaller ones using only chisels.

Guys, I came here just to say thank you: those insignificant steps for the humanity (and ridiculous for most of you!) were absolutely great for me. I have discovered after 30 years of (power) woodworking that hand tools can be faster and more precise than power tools for some applications as well can be also very fun! You guys have a significant part of that achievement.