I was travelling and didn't get to respond right away, but I wanted to tell you that I did something similar, which ended up cutting off the tip of my thumb. Thankfully, it left 1mm of skin over the bone, and as long as there is some skin over the bone, there is a chance of a skin graft taking hold. They took skin from my elbow and made a new thumb tip. IT LOOKED HORRIBLE at first, and I was so self-conscious about it that I kept a band-aid on it all the time. I wanted to let you know that over time it healed to the point that today you almost cannot tell which thumb was injured. In fact, the doctor told me that because it cut into the quick of the nail, I would most likely lose the nail because quick doesn't grow back when damaged. Well, he was wrong. Not only did I not lose the nail, but the quick regrew and the nail looks normal. I also still have feeling in the tip of my thumb, although it is a little numb.

Image is of thumb a few days after the skin graft was sewn on. Today it looks totally normal. Don't be dismayed at how it looks now. The body is amazing and it will eventually heal to where people will not notice.
