The search is on
The current line of ULS is the VLS series (VLS2.3, VLS 3.50, VLS 3.60, VLS 4.60, etc)
What major difference is there between the VLS series and the V series (V 200, V 300)?
WHat about differances to the X100 or "M" series?

Is there any major step up as far as mechanics going from one of these old machines to a newer VLS? (Motors, rails, guides?)
Is there a major step up in Optics?
Software and drivers ?

Looking hard at picking up one of these old machines and refurbishing (new tube, bearings, optics)
But if in the end I am going to be saddles with a "DOS based driver" and 64 DPI it aint worth it.

Thanks in advance for any insight ,