We can get Bermuda and Orchard grass hay around here for a few dollars a bale, but it doesn't keep weight on the horses. Also, I have to go get it, and handle it. If we feed Timothy and Alfalfa, it keeps the horses in good shape without having to feed grain to amount to anything. We're down to only feeding 80 to 100 bales a year, so my time is better spent making money than handling hay.

I could get the same hay a lot cheaper by the bale, by driving an hour one way, and all the handling, but I talked a local guy into offering this service of putting it in the barn, and he stays busy. I also told him what to charge, so I can't complain. He uses a hay elevator to get it up a story. I used to use a front end loader, when I did it.

We have a hay drop in the middle of the barn that holds 8 bales, so we don't have to go up in the loft that often.