I build furniture mostly with hand tools but I have a Dewalt 735 planer and a bandsaw to make things easier. For the last year I had 4” flex pipe running from the planer to a king size pillow case to catch the chips and it worked GREAT. The problem I noticed though was a fine dust cloud floating thru my shop after using the planer and I decided I did not want to breathe this. So I bought a 5 micron Rockler dust collection bag to replace the pillow case. No more dust cloud, but I have the hardest time dumping the chips out of the bag. With the pillow case I just dumped them in a trash bag and they came out easily. With the Rockler bag I have tried both the entry hole and the zip open side, and the chips take several minutes of vigorous shaking to get out. I only let it get ¾ full hoping that would help but no luck. Am I missing something simple?