Hi all,

I hope this is a good place to post this. I am completely new to wood turning (or wood working of any kind), and have what I fear are some very basic questions. My wife decided I needed a new hobby, and I thought wood turning looked fun

I have purchased some starter tools and equipment. I have a Harbor Freight tabletop lathe, a set of three carbide tipped tools, safety goggles,filter masks, fingerless gloves, and an adjustable chuck.

Other things I think I need are: some kind of food safe finish (for bowls), tung oil, shop rags for finishing, sandpaper or sanding pads, and, of course, some wood to practice on.

First question: am I missing anything else that I will need to make my first attempt at turning? I want to make bowls, but am happy to start with some spindle work to practice.

Second basic question: In some videos I have watched, turners often drill a whole into the bowl blank and mount it on a screw sticking out of the faceplate on the lathe. My lathe does not have such a screw attached to the faceplate. Is that an additional part I need to buy?

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm excited to get going, but still a little confused
