I'm looking for feedback from any of you who have or had shoulder issues.

For a year I've had a bad left shoulder. Grew worse over the summer. Would wake me up a lot at night.

Got to the point it was difficult to put on a shirt or jacket. And certain movements would cause a lot of pain for 30 seconds - 1 minute.

Physical therapy for 8 weeks didn't help. In fact my wife thinks it made it worse.

So last week the orthopedic surgeon sent me for an MRI. I have a SLAP tear. Seems they are very common. (a tendon that comes up off the bicep has partially detached from the labrum)

The surgeon gave me a cortisone injection today and I'll do another stint of PT.

Anyone successfully avoid surgery?

My primary form of exercising is on a road bike. When I google this all the forums talk about recovering from surgery.
My question is - does riding a road bike tend to aggravate this injury? or is riding in fact perhaps good for the healing?

This injury has me worried to be honest. I need to have good physicality for work, and I'm now mid-50s, so recovery is not what it would have been 20 years ago, but I'm hoping for a successful outcome.

thanks, Mark