
My completed Spanish cedar Adirondack chairs with table. These were made from the popular mechanics plan.

What I learned...
- Spanish cedar is expensive.
- If I were doing this for profit I would have lost money. I don't know how anyone can make a dollar offering these chairs for $260 with free shipping.
- I need to pay more attention to sanding the edges of pieces. What appears perfect at a glance is something a finish will tell you otherwise.
- Cetol SRD is a one coat only system
- I need to work on my countersink skills. My uniformity sucks.
- Don't go solely by the plans. Test fitting might be necessary.
- Using a thin layer of shellac lightlyrics sanded work pretty good for matching the stain to end grain
- trying to match stain to a filled drill hole is next to impossible. Don't screw up!
- cedar will let you know every time you accidently bump it against something.
- there's something strangely relaxing about putting a 1/4" round over on all edges with the router table.
- I'm going to make a couple more using milled framing lumber from Lowes and also 3/4" plywood.