Your giving me to much credit also but I’ll admit I like it as I’m pretty proud of this one.

In all honesty the paint could be better for what it is I tried to do. It’s far from bad but there is a bit of particulate here and there along with a some orange peel be it from separating to wet or to dry. In all honesty I think the paint job is great it just needed to be color sanded before assembly. I have since learnt and or knew shortly after I finished paint but had yet to assemble the saw that this was the case. I was tired and admitted to myself I was human and a little scared to ruin everything if I botched the color sanding.

If I get either of the two shapers I’m talking about mane decide to restore to this level again I’ll surely wet sand next time. Then i would have to agree with you. I assure you if you stood next to the saw in a museum you would say this is the most piss poor restoration I have ever see “what hack made this mess”.

Honestly that is how I feel even though I pretty proud and generally happy. It could be better so I hope the next one will be.

It thank you and keep the compliments coming it truly does help as I’m tired, broke as I’m still spending on this darn thing and yet to round the corner to the finish line.

Sadly I gotta go help a friend hang some exterior doors she made in the cold today. I’m totally not excited, not even a little.

Quote Originally Posted by David Kumm View Post
Patrick, that is turning into a Museum piece. I hope you do a video of it in action. Dave