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Thread: Fiskars X series axes and mauls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Milton, GA
    Blog Entries

    Fiskars X series axes and mauls

    I have become something of a splitting/riving aficionado. I have been searching far and wide for better tools for this job, rehandling lots of old tools I found on auction sites.

    I recently discoverd that Fiscars makes a very reasonably priced line of axes and mauls, that appear to be well designed for this work. They have both a cutting and splitting head design. The handles on these tools are some sort of “Isocore” design which they “guarantee for life”. These handles do seem to absorb a good deal of shock, maybe even better than Ash handles. I bought a pick with the same handle design which I have used.

    I just got a 8 lb maul and ordered a hatchet, for cutting fibers in splits. I also ordered a 23” splitting axe. I will report back once I test them out.
    Last edited by Mike Holbrook; 11-03-2018 at 12:27 PM.

  2. #2
    I split all my firewood for a woodstove at my cabin,it’s only source of heat.Over the years I’ve used many mauls until I tried the Fiskars. Since then the Fiskars are all I use as they work so well. Any of my friends that have tried them soon bought one. For the first split on large rounds I use the spiral wedge from Lee Valley which also works very well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    The Fiskars lawn implements that we have perform well.

    The Isocore idea (from what I just read) is (an extruded foam) spin-off from the flooring industry.

    What I read mentions the strength and light weight.....but it's obvious that vibration-dampening ability is a plus in flooring, and hammers, etc.
    Confidence: That feeling you get before fully understanding a situation (Anonymous)

  4. I have a Fiskars billhook that is pretty good - the handle is very tough, and comfortable enough considering the price point, although I do feel like the shorter handle on this tool does sometimes impart excessive handle shock. I haven't heard anyone complaining about the longer handles on the axes and mauls, though. And in general, I've heard good things about the Fiskars axes and mauls. They certainly don't have the same appeal as traditional tools, but they are well designed and practical - good to have in your truck to go along with a chainsaw. I believe the poll is hardened on these, which is definitely a plus.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Northern California
    I have 2 axes, a Fiskars 23.5" chopping and a 35" double blade chopper. I tend to use the Fiskars - much lighter, less impact tranferance and holds its edge longer (never sharpened it). I purchased the Fiskars long before they came out with their X-series, but it seems to have the same type of handle, which interestingly is branded Stihl (axe head is Fiskars Finland). I have some of their other garden tools and highly recommend the brand.

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