That turned out to be run by an ex-neighbor of mine.....that I spent many a year, mowing the grass for....
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No...not this yard. The view when we pulled in. Looked like my kind of sale...

Picked a few things out, went to pay for the items.....told "No Charge! Consider it payment for all the lawn mowing.."

Tried twice to at least pay a little....was informed my money wasn't good enough...keep it.

Got home to sort through the goodies...
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Need to research this little item....and see about a new wheel...
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So...what was in the bag?
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They say you can't have enough clamps? Added 5 more to the shop, today..
Now have 5 of these things in the shop..
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Might come in handy? May need to clean things up a bit...

All because I mowed her lawn all those years....

Well..what about the "Wet Wheel" contraption? There wasn't any manual with it....any ideas out there?