Over a number of years I've made quite a few hobbyist woodworking projects as gifts for family & friends. Recently, I've discovered that I'm having difficulty imagining new projects, so I'm considering alternative hobbies.

One that comes to mind is hand wood carving that would be pleasing to look at and be nice as gifts. However, I have absolutely no experience at this and would like some suggestions on how to get started. I'm thinking of a how-to starter guide, some carving knives, wood, etc(?). I'm also wondering about face carvings, trinkets, toys, flutes(?), or whatever else would be fun to work on.

As an older person I can see this as an enjoyable pass-time during winter months, so I'd appreciate any suggestions on how best to get started, tools, techniques, types of wood that would best lend itself to this, and projects that you have found interesting and challenging.

Thanks for your comments.