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Thread: Min Max s45

  1. #31
    My seem a bit new to used machines, which is totally fine.

    I would wait until you have your money in hand that you want to budget for a bandsaw and take it from there. No real reason to rush the purchase. A (potentially) well-used, overpriced S45 isn't worth this much stress and probably isn't worth more than $600-800.

    Keep looking and waiting until your budget situation is proper and take it from there. If you still really want the S45 at that point and feel less anxious about its potential future issues, then make an offer you're comfortable with and see where that goes. Otherwise, keep the search light on for other used machines. Broaden your distance range a bit if needed to look out for better deals.

    OR - save your money a bit longer if necessary and buy a new machine with a warranty. The new Laguna, Grizzly and Rikon machines are quite nice from a practical and warranty perspective. They just aren't sexy Italian Ferraris

  2. #32
    Thanks Phillip, I wanted to give one last post. My mom has sent a check for $1000 for this saw. She just texted me to see if the check got here yet and if I was talking to the saw owner about getting the saw. She's excited about blessing me with this saw. I don't want to jump out and buy it as soon as money gets here. I've taken my grizzly table saw apart and replaced bearings. I've took old guides off delta 14" saws and put Carter guides on. I've put urethane tires on saws. This Ferrari is a little more rare then a delta 14. I appreciate the advice. What a blessing it is to have you guys helping me☺☺☺

  3. #33
    The timing of this thread is funny.

    Tomorrow, I'm driving 3 hrs (1 way) to go and take a look at a 20" Italian bandsaw that's 30 years old and still with its original owner. The fence system is outdated, the guides are original and will likely need replacing if I buy it and use it the way I intend to. The motor is a single phase , 2hp, which seem potentially underpowered, but we'll see.

    The saw wasn't really being advertised and the asking price is low enough that I'm interested in driving that far to check it out. We'll see if it comes home with me or not

    I say all this to really say, I know exactly where you are and how you're feeling. Of course, you want to start with a solid foundation of a machine and not someone else's headache, but many of the things you can fix or get fixed along the way if they are wear items. It likely won't be as quick or convenient as a new, warrantied saw but most things are still possible even with old machines that don't have factory support anymore. Lord knows the saw I'm going to look at (Steton 500) doesn't have anything in the way of factory support in the US.

    Best of luck and keep us updated!

  4. #34
    Thanks again Phillip, I'm praying you get a great deal on the saw if you decide it's what you're looking for. I messaged the seller and told him I was very interested in the saw but that I was not interested in paying $1000. I asked him to check out sawmill creek forum to get an idea what other woodworkers thought the saw is worth

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Moscow, Idaho
    Do you know for sure why the previous owner upgraded the motor and then bought a new saw? Maybe he replaced the motor because he wanted more HP, and then bought a new saw because he wanted more resaw height. If the bandsaw was used in a hobby shop, then it's unlikely that's it's worn out, but I guess it's possible. Blue Max urethane tires are available for this saw on E-bay. It's also likely that Wordworkers Toolworks has rubber tires that would fit, and Minimax might sell tires for it. If you're concerned about blade tracking because of the flat tires you can always install rubber tires and crown them. It sounds like you're somewhat uncomfortable buying a used bandsaw because of the possibility that there could be something wrong with it that you wouldn't notice. Maybe there is another woodworker or a forum member in your area who could go with you and help you check it out.

  6. #36
    Hi guys, I offered the bandsaw owner $800. He was firm on $1000. He did say the motor was 2 years old. He works in a saw mill and the CEG aftermarket motor was installed by the mills electrician and I'm sure it was a professional motor installation. I called on a powermatic model81 today that was listed for $750. It was available in a town 3 hours away. I told that owner I'd take it I was just going to arrange a truck and it call them back in about 30 minutes. I got a truck lined up. I told them id be there in the morning to get it. They said someone local called during the time I was arranging for a truck and was already there. Well that guy decides he wanted it. So the search continues ☺

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