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Thread: Next Build?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Will try again, later today. Hopefully I will have the brain in gear. Will need it to lay out for the mortise and tenon work. Those beads will meet up in a 45 degree joint. THAT should be fun to do....

    Once this face frame is done, and installed, I can glue up a top panel, and build a the rate I am working ( Speed of Smell?) it might take all week....

    On that Stanley #45....I have a depth stop set. Keeps me from going too deep at the ends of the beads, which is fine. However, the depth stop is also a shavings trap.

    Have to keep clearing the mouth of the plane, or it will clog up after..3 full passes. It makes a LOT of Pine flavoured "Angel Hair" shavings....

    Used that Stanley #4, T-10 on all the edges...and faces. These 1 x 2s have saw marks everywhere, as they are made by ripping them from a wider 2x board.

    Hand sanding to dress up the beads a bit...

    had a scratch awl handy....worked nicely to clear the 45's shavings. I'd have to go and look, to see what size bead cutter I used...
    Stay tuned..

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Well, handy was still shaking...decided to see how well I could do today....Had to take a break along the way...but..
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    Turned this around to where I could do a little work..
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    With the mitresaw. Corner blocks were made..
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    Glued and screwed into place. One screw into the side of the case.
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    Went to lay out where the tenons will start at....had trouble holding a pencil....
    Set up the top rail..
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    Made it S4S...
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    Flattened out a slight bow. Ran the 45 along the edge.
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    Until a bead appeared
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    Was using this to lay out for tenons...couldn't hold the pencil...decided to take a little break....

    I did manage to get ONE end marked out.....all kinds of trouble with just the right hand.

    Stay tuned, as after a break, I tried again...

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Well, a long break, decided to try again....
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    The 1 x 2s needed S4S treatment as well...made quite a mess..
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    Between the #4 smoother and the Stanley45....Had an area between the fence and the skate,,, turned out to be a trap for shavings..Had to keep an eye on it.
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    Managed to get all the rails beaded. Even got the back two corner blocks installed..
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    Then swept the flor, and called it a day....hard to hold the planes...
    Stay tuned...

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    This being a will stay closed today. Need to check why the hand tremor is happening, anyway. Prefer to have the use of the right hand, since I am right handed.

    Bored with this site today......rather than go off on some.....may just do lay out work in the shop. Now, IF I can hold a pencil......may have to lay a few extra ones out on the bench.....gets old bending down to pick up a pencil....May not be anything sharper than those pencils in use, today.

    Stay tuned...
    Last edited by steven c newman; 03-05-2018 at 4:33 PM.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Well, at least I tried...
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    A few layout lines were drawn....Mitresaw was set up for tenon work, again...
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    Got one mortise dug....New Haven Edge Tool Co. mortise chisel was having "issues".....Had to stop and sharpen it and a couple others...been awhile since the last sharpening....must have been all that Ash. A bit of saw work..
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    Tenons are done. Need to layout and chop the mortises...
    We'll see what tomorrow brings....stay tuned...

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    I might go back and try to resharpened that one mortise chisel....I only went up to 600 grit Medium India....apparently, a knot in the Ash project before this one chip the edge on the chisel.....have a very coarse stone to re-do the edge with, that went to the 600.....a few trips on the strop, and it should be back in business....Had to use a Buck Brothers (pre-Home Depot) sash chisel instead...May have to take the time to re-sharpen a few chisels.....someday.

    Tenons are done, now. est fit of the top rail was done..then it was fine tuned. had the stile a hair too least there wasn't a blow-out when I was chopping out the mortise. I later trimmed it flush with the top rail. I clamped the stile to the front corner of the case, so I could mark where the rest of the rails will go.

    We're getting there...slowly. Didn't feel like messing too long with very sharp objects tonight..only dropped the pencil..3 times...
    Stay tuned, maybe I can get the face frame done?

  7. #67
    I feel you on the chisels. I sharpened mine to 1k, then went to a piece of slate I use as a finisher. Made wonderful progress on my arm hair. Went to cut dovetails on some pine for my current project, and found it really needs a finer edge.
    Gonna go back to 1k, then move to a 6k, and maybe 1 micron lapping film. See what that does for me.
    You should ask your doc about that hand. The cardio doc as well. Some medications can do weird things.
    I have neuropathy, nerve damage, carpel tunnel, etc. I get mini tremors fairly regularly, but I know what is causing it. It is not so bad right now, though aggravating. I can work with it well enough that I can find sort of a rhythm. Can even still shave with a straight. But it WILL get worse, and i'm as prepared as I can be for it.
    Please, see a doc about that.
    Last edited by Mike Baker 2; 03-05-2018 at 11:03 PM.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Seeing him this coming Wednesday afternoon....Shakes are all the way up to the shoulder...and a headache around the right eye...

  9. #69
    Good. I will pray for you, that he finds the cause and can treat it.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Dropping back here, and start a new line....

    Stop the new med for a day....shaking is starting to go away....cotton mouth, and headache still around. Well, after supper, I did a little shop time...laid out some toys..
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    Hmmm, something missing here?
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    Ah, there it is..being a bit stand-off-ish....chopped a few mortises
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    Test fit a few..
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    Until all 8 were done...
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    Glue was used....maybe a tad too much..
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    Meh..a little clean up..but the face frame is now in the clamps..
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    Will let this mess sit overnight....then try and install it tomorrow....sometime.

    Stay tuned...

  11. #71
    I'm glad the shaking is a bit better. Medicine might be the culprit, it seems.
    And I always use too much glue; I figger the joint'll spit out anything it don't want. :P

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Being scheduled for a scan of the head....Doc seems to think there may be a "bleeder" caused by the new med....making the eyes twitch, as well.

    Got home and was just going to sit.....not happening. Got things set up to install the face frame....Got the case back up onto the benches, and used a few clamps to pull things into alignment...
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    Glue and counter-bored screws. Worked my way down one edge....the turn the case around, and worked down the other edge. Finally was able to get this off my bench..
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    As I have use for both the bench and that saw...laid the case on it's side...planed the edges so they matched each other..
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    And trimmed the feet to match the stiles..
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    I also wanted the feet to be level...high tech cutter to make the cuts..
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    Disston D-112. Stood this up on all four feet..
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    Sitting nice and steady, no rocking going on.

    Hauled a 1 x 8 x8' plank to the shop....stay tuned..

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, the glue joints on the face frame?
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    Will need a bit of clean up...and I need to mill a bunch of tapered plugs..
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    Now, about that 1 x 8. I needed three pieces cut, @ 27" long...
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    Still learning how to use the saw...
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    Had one spot I needed to cut out of the plank..
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    There is no way that thing is going into the top....had a smaller one one the part I did use....but, it was ripped off, when I cut that board to width.
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    As I only needed 18" in width for the panel.
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    Still need to joint those edges, and do a glue up.....then I can start on building the drawer.
    Stay tuned....will update both this project, and the scan on my head....

  14. #74
    Nice work!
    Glad you saw the doc. Hope they get you squared away fast. That ain't nuttin to play with.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    I was just going to take a nap, today...Hmmm, one, I can seem to sit still, and two...
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    Maxwell and Miss Bandit took MY nap spot...
    Tried to flatten a few boards, and joint a few edges, instead...
    big jointer.jpg
    But, 10 pounds is still..10 pounds..don't care how nice the shavings are..
    No. 8 shavings.jpg
    Decided a Jack plane might be better...
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    Almost the same results..
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    Got the face grain flattened, edges jointed..just to get a three board panel glued up..
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    Let this sit a day. Then clean things up.
    Whenever someone asks about a "Basic Set of Hand Planes" I will show them this..
    three planes.jpg
    Jointer, Jack, and Smoother....throw in a block plane, and they are all set...

    Will need to add runners for the drawer to slide on..and a guide strip to keep it centered in the opening. May do that...after the top is on.

    Stay tuned...

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