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Thread: Next Build?

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Hauled that 1 x 10 to the shop....knot was a big one..
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    Found a decent stretch on the plank that did not have a knot, nor a split. Thought I would try a different handsaw..
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    But, Mr. Richardson needs a sharpening, apparently.....some other time...went back to the Disston..
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    Two cuts, have a clear stretch of pine...I needed to add a strip to one edge..cut a matching 1 x 4...then clamped the two together..
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    Jointed the edges to match each other...then a bead of glue, and a few clamps, and a caul..
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    Decided to cut a couple stiles out of the remains of Knotty-wood....tried a rip cut on the bandsaw, trying for a 3/4" x 1-5/8" x 3'....first cut wasn't too hateful.... second cut... did not go too knocked the blade off the wheels thinking I had broke the blade I went Olde School to finish the rip cut..
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    Got my Cardio for today....clamped both stiles together, and jointed the edge to match each other, with a square edge..
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    Getting worn out. Too much Cardio today Took the bandsaw apart, blade didn't break, re-installed it...cuts fine.
    Maybe tomorrow, I can work a bit on the top, and the face frame. trying to get this done, before the 29th.....will see the Brain Doctor then. Then find out what they are going to do. Would like to get this done, before then.
    Stay tuned...

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Had a visitor today, spent a few hours....planes and chisels attended to. Very much enjoyed it.

    Same for anyone whom wants to stop by, and visit the Dungeon Shop. Merely let me know when you will be showing up. Welcome to drop in and visit.

    Not sure about any more work on the project today....we'll see.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Afterwards, had to take the Boss to the store......decided to do a little shopping myself..

    New 1/2", 6TPI blade for the bandsaw...the 1/4" just wasn't that great for rip cuts...

    Broke down and bought a new beltsander. Called a "Dragster" by B&D....can be used in my sharpening routines. Even came with a belt installed...

    Pair of almost clear 1 x 4 x 4' Pine boards.....and a 1/4" x 2' x 4' luann plywood panel. Can rip the boards (NOW...) tomake the rest of the narrow parts....and add a bit to the raised panel in the door....
    Picked another 1/2Pint of Golden Oak stain as just one wasn't going to be enough.

    Put away all the toys in the shop...I can see the top of the bench, again!....

    Top of the bookcase was taken out of the clamps. Showed off how to flatten a panel with a few different planes....panel is flat, now. Need to find out how much to remove for the final width. And, square the ends. Maybe tomorrow afternoon? Need to drag out the Stanley 45 and set it up for some "bead work"....

    Stay tuned..

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Dropping back here, yet again....thread iS getting a bit long winded, eh?
    Two work sessions today...Morning involved changing out the skinny bandsaw blade, and installing the new, wider one. Set up a jig to guide a few rip cuts. Two stiles were cut, two rails were cut. Figured out how much the rip off of the top panel,reset the jig....tested that..
    Then ran a couple planes around..
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    The Stanley 45 now has a #22 bead cutter in it. The Stanley #4 erased any saw marks, and cleaned a few edges..
    Three cuts = two beads. Clamped the stile to the case, after moving things around so I could work..
    As I wanted to layout the rails' cuts...needed to make the ends like these..
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    About this time, I had to take the Boss shopping..Grrrr
    BRB, stay tuned for part 2

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, Fancy tenons need a place to go..
    IMG_3614 (640x480).jpgMark out, and rough cut....

    Set up the mortise jig.
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    Chop a mortise...
    Test fit..
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    this was for the bottom rail, it had a slightly different hole..
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    Finally got all four corners done, and a dry fit..
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    One tenon was a tad long..trimmed that for a better fit....spread some glue, added some clamps
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    Check the fit at the beads..
    And let this thing set overnight...while I peel glue off my fingers...

    Install this, add the back panel to square the case, add the shaped top...then I might start on the door.

    Stay tuned..

  6. #111
    Long winded? Since this is basically a step by step, I think you're doing pretty good.

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Weather turned lousy tonight, The Boss decided to stay home for the evening. I got bored....tramped back to the shop
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    Hey, at least it will cut a straight line....just not enough hands right at the end of the cut. Needed to mark the larger panel for width..
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    I could rip that on the bandsaw. Somehow got the shelf unit up onto the benches...
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    Bead of glue and a line of screws... turn the case around, clamps to pull things square. More screws. Set this case down and out of the way.
    Top panel was sanded, a 1/2 pint can served as a radius pattern, bandsaw to trim the front two corners..added a cove detail, to the underside..
    Pilot holes and counter bores were added. then I had to make a few plugs, and install them, after the top was attached to the case.
    Let these set til morning, then trim them flush. Set the unit back onto the base unit...had to move things around, not enough room under the ductwork
    Going to be a TALL one. Face frame is about ready to be installed, then start on the door.

    Stay tuned...

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Dropping WAY this may take a few posts. Snuck down to the shop today....almost 4 hours later, is was time for one of Conway's Irish Ales....

    Face frame was taken out of the clamps....marked for a few of these..
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    Not much room. Vintage drill to make the counter bores, scratch awl to locate where to drill..
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    Pilot holes drilled. Set this aside...set the bookcase on to the top of the bench..
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    Glue and screws. Made another batch of plugs..
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    Only needed 11, still nice to have a couple extras.
    Spot of glue, and a hammer to install the plugs
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    Once I got all the way around to these two, I went back around with a chisel
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    And cut the excess plug off. Block plane to smooth things out. Chisel again to clean the beads out.
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    Trying to blend the plugs in...
    Part 2, coming right up..stay tuned

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, Cleaned up the edges of the case until they were flush with the frame. Set the case onto the floor, and trimmed those 8 plugs on the top..
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    Supposed to be 4 plugs on each end. Set the case up onto the base unit..
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    There IS one bad spot in the face frame, though..
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    Looks like a nice spot to add a latch?

    That 1 x 4 leaning there, was cut down for two stiles, for the paneled door..couldn't get to the Langdon 75...set up a little box, instead.
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    Cut the "best" out ( 31") then cut for final length. Then figured out the length for the two rails.
    Then I could fold the GEM Mitre Box up, and stash it back into the drawer it calls home.
    Cut the tenons over on the bandsaw..
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    Both these rails, and the stiles needed jointed on the edges. The 1 x 4 was ripped to width, jointed.
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    Making a mess of the bench, again...
    Ok, one more part to go....Part 3 coming up, stay tuned..

  10. #115
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, needed mortises to house the tenons in..
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    Open ended ones, this time around.
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    Backsaw to define where to cut, chisels to pop the waste out. Got the four corners done for a dry fit.
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    Set up the Stanley 45 to plough a groove to house the raised panel in

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    And stopped about here...back was getting stiff....went to lay out the boards for the raised panel, so I could maybe glue the panel up...hmmm
    Two special boards were long enough...barely...the others I had set back to add to the showy boards? Way too short. So, a trip to the Green Borg tomorrow..
    for one more board, grrrrr
    I think I'll stop for the day, and do a bit of supper...stay tuned..

  11. #116
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Since today is Monday, shop is normally closed. Instead of the 50 mile round trip to get ONE board at Menard's, made a 5 mile round trip to the Blue BORG in this town.

    Needed a 1 x 8..maybe 3' long...shortest they had was a 6' board.....none exactly worth writing home about. Looked a little bit, found some VERY good 1 x 4 x 4' just a little ways down the aisle..picked two, held them up to that 1 x 8....hmmm, the two were wider than the one. Not as much waste ( needed 30") as the 6 footer, and there was more width. Only a dollar more, too....

    Stashed the two in the van, had to drive the Boss over to Wall E World, and let her shop a while.....while I took a nap
    Plan now is to do a glue up in the morning, then plough a few suppertime, I should be able to flatten a panel and start raising it. At least THAT is the plan..

    Stay tuned..

    Maybe this thread is a little bit better, than some dang old sharpening thread?

  12. #117
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Mondays...gotta love them....the 1 x 4s turned out to be clear 1 x 6 x 4'....

    Took them to the shop...and found out why they seemed a bit too wide...duh
    Marked them for length. Marked the two fancy boards for width...and to get rid of a couple nasty knots....bandsaw had a bad case of the waves tonight...
    Made a jig, and made the grooves for the panel to sit least THAT came out right...

    In the morning, I can spend all the time needed to get a panel glued up....I hope

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Dropping back, again....Back is sore, now...
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    The "easy part" was cutting the two 1 x 6 boards down, to match the other two...D-112 still working great.
    Those two on top, needed a bit of work done..
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    Used a jack plane to get rid of the worst, then a couple jointer planes...
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    I used the #7c to clean up the edges on the new boards..had a slight curve to them. The #8 was more for the heavy work...which is why the back is stiff and sore, now.
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    Was finally able to get all the edges jointed to match each other, well enough to spread some glue, and add a few clamps....
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    And a couple cauls. Letting this panel sit for the day, while I get the back to settle down...maybe make it into a raised panel tomorrow?
    Stay tuned....

  14. #119
    Dang that wood is beautiful.
    Would love to see raised panels.

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Will have to wait until tomorrow..back is acting up tonight. Need to flatten the panel before the raising can begin. Need to mark for final width, and trim for that, too.

    Would have liked to do the entire cabinet in that fancy lumber....only found that one board.

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