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Thread: We're Old Men (Mostly) so Let's Discuss Weather.....

  1. #16
    It was warmer in Anchorage than Raleigh NC yesterday. Yesterday's high: Anchorage 42, Raleigh 32. It's funny to watch Floridians deal with snow and ice. I don't think there is a salt / sand truck anywhere in the state. We have been as low as 8 earlier this week. Expecting some light snow as I type. School is already closed tomorrow.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Las Cruces, NM
    It was a typical sunny day today, but cool enough that I wore a long sleeved t-shirt while doing some yard work. There were a few honeybees in one of the bird feeders. The internet tells me that on warm Winter days bees visit bird feeders to collect the grain dust and pollen that comes with bird seed.

    (Besides, I thought old guys were suppose to talk about present medical problems or the way things were in the distant past.)

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Virginia and Kentucky

    I hope you have a large house. You might have quite a few unannounced visitors from the Creek after your boast. The song lyrics just address old men talking about the weather, but I have read a few post from "old men" lamenting modern issues as opposed to the distant past as well as health conditions.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    The wooly bear caterpillars were a bit thicker of coat this year.

    How do they know?
    From Woolly Bear central....

    This coming Fall marks the 45th festival!
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Medina Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Wrenn View Post
    It was warmer in Anchorage than Raleigh NC yesterday. Yesterday's high: Anchorage 42, Raleigh 32. It's funny to watch Floridians deal with snow and ice. I don't think there is a salt / sand truck anywhere in the state. We have been as low as 8 earlier this week. Expecting some light snow as I type. School is already closed tomorrow.
    I think they have to import sand there

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    You guys are certainly copping it with the cold. For me it's going to be 30C tomorrow. Our record is 35C so it doesn't get much hotter.

    Speaking of talking about the weather, someone checked statistics recently and discovered that Australians look at weather on the net more often than they look a p##n... Keep warm. Cheers
    Every construction obeys the laws of physics. Whether we like or understand the result is of no interest to the universe.

  7. #22
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    Monroe, MI
    I started training for a spring marathon on Monday. I haven't run on a treadmill in over 2-1/2 years but I am later today. Today's wind chill advisory didn't even start until after dawn. Saturday morning they are talking we could hit -10, actual air temp. Even a slight breeze will make that dangerous in minutes.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    Its 24 degrees F this morning here in Eastern Virginia with about 4" of snow on the ground and still snowing. We expect between 6 to 8 inches with temps dropping to the single digits late tonight. I am just a few hundred yards from where the York River connects to the Chesapeake Bay on the back side of my place and Sarah's Creek is just about two hundred feet from my front porch, lots of water so the humidity is always high.

    Nothing like upstate New York, I spent two years in Oswego in the mid 1980's and the temperature was -30 F every day and the air was so dry all moisture became snowflakes. The average winter snowfall in Oswego was 320 inches so I got used to traveling in the snow and cold weather. If we get 8" of snow today it won't shock me but my neighbors will be devastated

    The wet snow will probably knock down some trees so we always expect power outages. That's my warning to everyone about SawMill Creek being online today or NOT.

    I have my tractor full of diesel fuel in case I need to pull someone out of a ditch, it happens on occasion

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerome Stanek View Post
    I need a new indoor outdoor thermometer that is acurite I tried 2 that were off by 4 to 6 degrees according to 2 of my glass thermometers and one is was tested to be true.
    I have a roof top weather station and an old digital outdoor thermometer. They generally agree within one or two degrees, often read the same. Hot, still weather, not so much.
    NOW you tell me...

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Putney, Vermont
    Snowing like the dickens outside, and 13 degrees.It has warmed up the last 2 days. More artic cold coming tomorrow. It felt good to go out for a walk yesterday afternoon. I'm in southern Vermont.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Virginia and Kentucky
    Who would have thought one of the warmer places to be in the United States in January would be Anchorage, Alaska? We will be in the negative numbers for low temps for a few more days.

  12. #27
    Snowing about 2" per hour right now with a forecast of about a foot coming. Winds are about 30mph with chances of gusts to 50+. Yesterday we reached a daytime temperature of 24F which is only the second day in 2 weeks where daytime highs weren't single digit. Night temp have been all over the place ranging from +1 to -12. Further north in NH running as low as -30.

    Ho hum,it's winter, it's NH, it snows. Always been that way and is unlikely to change.
    Dave Anderson

    Chester, NH

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Bedford, NH
    Snow is really coming down with much wind. Started early this AM with predictions to a foot with winds gusting to 50 mph ending 4 AM tomorrow. If it dies down later this PM I may go out to snow blow drive ways & walkways to reduce the snow level. Easier for me (75) to do two 6" than one 12" of snow. Yet, if winds keep up the drifting would blow snow back in so I probably will have to wait until tomorrow.
    Have a snow plow guy teed up if I need him, but I would still have to gear up & do the walkways/steps, so I usually prefer to do this myself.
    Expecting power outages. So glad I have a 20 KW whole house backup generator. No worries for safety & comfort.
    Stay safe, stay well, stay happy in your workshop!

    PS Just read Dave's post. Looks like we are sharing the same weather. So far, so cold!
    Last edited by Al Launier; 01-04-2018 at 12:36 PM.
    Thoughts entering one's mind need not exit one's mouth!
    As I age my memory fades .... and that's a load off my mind!

    "We Live In The Land Of The Free, Only Because Of The Brave"
    “The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
    Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Livonia, Michigan
    Day after Christmas, Tuesday: Driving the van,the smell of gasoline coming out of the heating system.

    Wednesday: Found the fuel pressure control valve was spurting gasoline. Bought replacement.

    Friday: Started installation. Ran into the usual GM problems with doodads and junk in the way. Plastic lines shattered from the cold. Outside 5 hours, temp was about 15 F.

    Saturday: finished fabricating parts, installed them. 1 1/2 hours outside. Temp about same as yesterday.

    Sunday: Drove van to store, no more smell of gas. Yay! Then suddenly get the smell of antifreeze. Front seal of water pump blew out. Managed to limp home (insert SMC approved symbol for SMC unapproved language here).

    Monday: Stubbornly refused to do anything except to enjoy the holiday.

    Tuesday: Installed water pump. Went well except I dropped a pulley bolt and it didn't find it's way to the snow. Had to jack up van, remove passenger side wheel, pull the fender liner and get the bolt. It was trapped on top of the lower control arm. Outside total of 3 hours, high of 12 F.

    The van is now running but still in the yard. I'm afraid to go near it. The starter was looking at me a bit funny while I was under the hood. I think it wants to go someplace warm, like a repair shop.

    Wednesday: Stubbornly refused to leave the house for any reason. Temp: Who cares?


  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Neither here nor there
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Stenzel View Post
    Day after Christmas, Tuesday: Driving the van,the smell of gasoline coming out of the heating system.

    Wednesday: Found the fuel pressure control valve was spurting gasoline. Bought replacement.

    Friday: Started installation. Ran into the usual GM problems with doodads and junk in the way. Plastic lines shattered from the cold. Outside 5 hours, temp was about 15 F.

    Saturday: finished fabricating parts, installed them. 1 1/2 hours outside. Temp about same as yesterday.

    Sunday: Drove van to store, no more smell of gas. Yay! Then suddenly get the smell of antifreeze. Front seal of water pump blew out. Managed to limp home (insert SMC approved symbol for SMC unapproved language here).

    Monday: Stubbornly refused to do anything except to enjoy the holiday.

    Tuesday: Installed water pump. Went well except I dropped a pulley bolt and it didn't find it's way to the snow. Had to jack up van, remove passenger side wheel, pull the fender liner and get the bolt. It was trapped on top of the lower control arm. Outside total of 3 hours, high of 12 F.

    The van is now running but still in the yard. I'm afraid to go near it. The starter was looking at me a bit funny while I was under the hood. I think it wants to go someplace warm, like a repair shop.

    Wednesday: Stubbornly refused to leave the house for any reason. Temp: Who cares?

    It's not that I'm laughing at your plight- it's that I'm happy that I'm not the only one that these things happen to. There is a vortex in my Jeep where anything dropped- especially if it's a relatively important thing- goes and is never again seen. NEVER EVER say, "Okay, all I have to do is put this one bolt back on...", for that appears to awaken the vortex, and it will suck the bolt right out of your hand. Also if you should happen to spend all day fixing something, there will inevitably be some other something to require fixing the next day which will require you to remove whatever you just fixed to get to the other broken something. I hate Murphy.

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