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Thread: Step back cupboard, a build thread

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Thank you.

    Today was a bit busy....panel was taken out of the clamps, and cut to width..
    IMG_2842 (640x480).jpg
    Then the edges were jointed..
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    Clamped this flat to the bench....
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    Planed the face smooth and flat. Then a few other planes took over.
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    Planed a bevel on each end....end grain first....
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    And when the edge grain was done, I got corners like this. Still a bit too thick, got out the #78
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    To make the cross grain rebates, and do a test fit..
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    Once the end grain was done...on both ends. I got out the Stanley 45, set it up to make a matching rebate along the edge grain..
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    Rather than mess with the #78's spur, I just used the 45 without the spurs. Once I got all four edges done... I set up to chop four mortises..

    Stay tuned, for the next episode..

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, set up to chop 4 mortises...
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    Legs were cramping a bit, was nice to just sit, and work...
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    One of the chisels used...Ash is a bit hard on them...
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    Test fit as I went...along with the panel..
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    Hmm, one more to go..
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    Dry fit, before the glue was spread around. Used the end vise as a third hand...
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    Will let this sit a while. Cleaned up some fancy hinges....
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    And found a couple bits to do pilot holes....
    Stay tuned....

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Edmond, Oklahoma
    Hi Steven,

    Like Don, I enjoy the builds, and learn some things at the same time. Definately not boring.

    Thank you for posting the photos.

    Thanks and regards,


  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Thank you!

    Got this far this morning....
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    Had things set up to install the hinges..
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    But..instead of the 12 screws I needed....I found only 5....promptly broke #4, and lost #5...somewhere on the floor.....need to go out and buy some more....
    Need to add the "doorknob" as well....door is just sitting there, nothing has to hold it still....drawer can be opened with just a finger or two pulling.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    SE Michigan
    Steven, enjoying the build as well. Sorry, just have to ask, when you go to buy those screws, do you need to pick up some paint as well?

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Trying to talk the Boss OUT of using paint. The Ash will get a stain, though....Maybe some sort of "Chestnut Brown"? Need to do a sample board, and see what she likes..
    Screws are installed, both hinges are done. Doorknob is also installed.....matches the two on the drawer.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Right now, I have bigger "issues" than the live edges showing..
    This was in front of my front door....landed with a very LOUD bang!
    About 2-1/2 years ago, we had an upstairs bedroom fire....rather than fix the water damaged ceiling, the Landlord merely painted over it...
    But...HIS Insurance Company wants to collect $15K from me?

    I still need to start on the upper "Bookcase" part of the cabinet
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    Not sure IF it will be this tall, yet. Not really worried about such things as....
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    A small bit of Live Edge showing up....
    Need to move the Lower Cabinet out of the shop..don't want it's feet to get wet....

    Stay tuned....

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Not sure IF the upper cabinet will get doors, yet. Ash may look good in a light brown or "golden Oak" stain.....will have to see what Amber Shellac will do to Quarter Sawn Ash.....

    Maybe a couple shelves, with an Ash front to them....maybe even a face frame sort of thing. Need to get the sizes of the books my son wants to stash in there...

    May just leave that live edge alone....not enough wood behind it, to rip the "offending hole" off....and still have enough of a "lip" to overhang the front.

    Stay tuned, getting near the finish line, now.. ( Any paint has already been VETOED!)

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, when the Boss first stated what she wanted for that corner of the room.....we looked at maybe a hundred different images of Chimney/ Stepback type cabinets. We found a few that looked close to what she wanted.....the design I came up with is a bit of a blend. Whats "Plans" there are for my version, reside solely in my head..the Infamous Single Brain Cell Sketch Up. I am able to "picture" the project in my mind's eye, and work things out from that.

    Flipping the top over is not really an option....besides, where that live edge resides, is right where my hand would go, when I open the drawer. Wait until you see the two planks I have to use for the upper cabinet....might still go out to my friends place, and buy a couple more planks of this Ash. ( just a reminder: leaning against a wall at his shop, there is a "small" plank of Oak.....12' long, 20" wide, and 3+ inches thick...)
    Anyway..last I looked, Newman was the name of the designer for this Project....IF anyone wants to build one of these type of projects, fine....add your own design elements..more fun, that way.
    Hmmm , maybe a coat or three of Amber I used on the Chest of Drawers ( Chester Drawers?) out of Maple & Walnut.

    Me? I am just having fun, working in my woodshop....

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Was trying out a couple jointers, today
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    As I wanted to at least get one plank done....
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    Then got to thinking ( dangerous..I know..) and carried the last plank( for now, anyway) to the shop. Plank WAS almost 7' long, was "fun" bouncing my way down the stairs....D-112 to crosscut a few times....bandsaw to trim the smaller a second plank for the side of the book case cut to size...
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    Was about 3/8" difference in width, and about 1/8 in thickness....when I go over to my friend's place and buy a couple more planks, I'll take these two along, and run one through the planer he has, until it matches the other plank....might as well do the others while I am there, too..
    Couple scraps...and this was set aside for the top of the bookcase..
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    Knot is tight, and doesn't go all the way through....Boss will have a plant of some sort sitting on it, anyway...
    need to make a face frame, and a door. Shelves will be .....ash, maybe? Door? It MAY, or may not match the bottom may get "glass" inserts...we'll see

    Stay tuned....

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    There will be a pause...I am under the weather. Still need to go out and buy a couple planks of Ash...Maybe when I get a bit better..I will start in again....

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Roads around here suck...Level 1 Snow Emergency....Place that has the lumber is out on a Township road, and not the best even when clear.

    I suppose I could try the sander....and get the case ready for shellac.....shellac shouldn't bother the nose too badly, not too sure about the sanding dust and this chest cold.

    Big time chest cold....can't eat, can't sleep....Freezing one minute...roasting the next....I hate winters in Ohio...

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Just a chest far. Nose is about like a faucet you buy at Odd-Lots....drip, drip, drip...

    Too nasty on the roads around here, and the lumber in located on a Township road....not much better than my backyard
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    So, the upper bookcase will be on hold until I can get TO the lumber. Decided to try a coat of Amber Shellac, to see how the Boss likes it
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    Drawer was done, might at least add the coat to of these days, I might get decent at these handcut thingys
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    Decided to install those 9 Walnut plugs, while I was down here..
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    Nothing to it. Screwdriver to pop them free, add a blob of glue on the narrow end, and hammer them home...well, these 6 were easy, at least...there were 3 along the bottom rail, where I had to kneel down on one old knee...and hope I could stand back up....
    Sander and a #4 smooth plane, to work on the top a bit ( and warm me up..)then a coat of the shellac
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    "light" spots are just that, shine from an overhead lamp. Debating on running a cove bit around the edges....we'll see.

    Shellaced a sample to haul back upstairs ( I was freeeezing!) to show the Boss what the colour will look like. She approved, so no need to go and buy any paint...whew.
    If I can get moving around a bit better, tomorrow, I'll see about sanding and planing the sides, and the door.

    Stay tuned..

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    IF I can get to moving around a bit better, after Lunch...I'll see what I can get done. Nose is off in another world, and we are not on speaking terms. May need a sweatshirt in the shop, was getting a bit too chilly last night....

    I'll see about getting this lower unit done, and out of the shop...before all that "Global Warming" outside decides to melt....and runs across the shop's floor.

    Stay tuned...

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Never use a nasal spray, again...all it did was burn out the inside of my nose....anyway, trying to get things to where I can bring this lower cabinet up out of the shop....before the big melt happens.....and have a creek across the shop floor....Top was sanded and planed, then a seal coat of shellac added...
    Same with the drawer...
    Walnut plugs were added.
    Today, came time to trim off the plugs, and sand the door and the rest of the front. Had to tip it back, to work on it
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    Wanted to be able to reach those bottom three out a chisel and something to tap it with..
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    Then sanded everything smooth enough for a seal coat of shellac..
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    same was done to one side...
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    Which leaves the other side yet to do. The two little objects on the top?
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    Edge treatment options. Whether to round over, or just a cove....remains to be seen.
    Stay tuned...

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