Yep, I wear a pair of Peltors. A must have when you are training grandkids to shoot. You can carry on a conversation easily, but when a gun is fired they block most of the sound.
I make the grandkids wear plugs as well as headphones.
The granddaughter who is now crippled is an incredible shot with my 22-250 target rifle.
When I first took her to the range at about age 13 or 14, I had her try out 100 yards. Every shot was in the 1 inch bullseye. So I moved her to 200. At this point she had only fire the rifle maybe 20 times. 7 out of 8 rounds were touching each other. That was with a V16 scope.
Obviously I gave up shooting when she was with me. I am lousy compared to that.
So we began a process of sneaking up on the best round for that gun.
I found reloading for her very satisfying. After several trips to the range I had discovered a round that the gun liked and her shooting got even better.
Also, the 22-250 being notorious as a barrel burner I was delighted that the best round was just slightly above the low recommendation of powder (varget) and with nearly 3,000 rounds through it and carefully timing shots fired the barrel shows no sign of damage. My mentor for reloading ran a small out of the way gun shop and he told me he knew of guys who bought new 22-250s and went out west of here to hunt prairie dogs and one gun completely destroyed a barrel in just one weekend.