I'm not in any immediate need of a drum sander, but have been trying to keep my eye out in the local classifieds for a couple months now. Problem is, I'm having a hard time figuring out just how much I should be paying for one. Most of the prices I see are from 2011 - 2013 and holy crap, they used to be so much cheaper!! People saying $600-$800 brand new or slightly used and others saying that's not that good of a price. I'm looking now and Jet's is $1,899 and Supermax is $1,199.
I've seen a couple in classifieds that were pretty beat (no belt, no dc ever used) for around $700 or $800. I'm just wondering whether or not that's a decent price or if I'm being greedy wanting one for less. I know grizzly has one for around $500 or $600, and while I'm not completely opposed to grizzly, the performax/supermax appears to be leagues above the grizzly.

I'm not any extreme woodworker and really don't spend that much on my tools, but have been more willing to lately. I'd like to be able to get in to some end grain cutting boards and maybe even try my hand at making an acoustic guitar or ukulele. But $1,500 is more than I'm willing to spend right now.

Am I being greedy for trying to find a used decent quality drum sander for $500 - $600?