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Thread: Something to try for text input issues...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville

    Something to try for text input issues...

    Someone suggested I post this here in case the moderators didn't catch it...

    In the thread "Forum is S L O W" in the Engraver's Forum, several people reported problems related to typing messages. I suggested to try switching from "Enhanced (full WYSIWYG)" editor and switched to the "Standard Editor" under Settings/General Settings. (This change fixed several problems that were frustrating me some months ago.)

    Two users reported back that they tried this and it helped or appeared to help. One gentleman indicated it wasn't entirely obvious what it took to get the editor change to "stick", perhaps needed logging out and logging back in. I didn't test this.

    Since their problems evidently started recently, perhaps they were related to the recent software update.

    If anyone else is seeing problems relating to typing or editing messages, perhaps this switch would help them too, at least temporarily.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Cincinnati, OH
    Hi John,
    For some unknown reason (at least to me), I have been unable to enter text in PM's unless I click on the "Display all content" on the pop-up window. This window began to appear about 6 weeks ago. I have run diagnostics and changed settings among the editor types. All to no avail. I would appreciate any insights you may have.

    Rustic? Well, no. That was not my intention!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
    Someone suggested I post this here in case the moderators didn't catch it...

    In the thread "Forum is S L O W" in the Engraver's Forum, several people reported problems related to typing messages. I suggested to try switching from "Enhanced (full WYSIWYG)" editor and switched to the "Standard Editor" under Settings/General Settings. (This change fixed several problems that were frustrating me some months ago.)

    Two users reported back that they tried this and it helped or appeared to help. One gentleman indicated it wasn't entirely obvious what it took to get the editor change to "stick", perhaps needed logging out and logging back in. I didn't test this.

    Since their problems evidently started recently, perhaps they were related to the recent software update.

    If anyone else is seeing problems relating to typing or editing messages, perhaps this switch would help them too, at least temporarily.

    Yes you need to save any changes you make to your General settings down at the very bottom of the page.
    Lee Schierer
    USNA '71
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  4. #4
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    BTW...John and Lee...I was having problems typing into was like my computer, or the SMC computers or my keyboard was wonky. After I switched as John suggests from Enhanced to Standard editor, the problem has been resolved. In previous versions of V-Bulletin, enhanced worked well.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Utterback View Post
    Hi John,
    For some unknown reason (at least to me), I have been unable to enter text in PM's unless I click on the "Display all content" on the pop-up window. This window began to appear about 6 weeks ago. I have run diagnostics and changed settings among the editor types. All to no avail. I would appreciate any insights you may have.

    David, Sorry, I haven't seen that pop-up. Were there any changes to your computer just before 6 weeks ago? Win or Mac? (Mine are Win 10 and Safari on iPad)


  6. #6
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    I had similar problems a while back and I switched to the standard editor and other than typos I've had no problems since.

    Firefox 56.0 Windows 10
    Lee Schierer
    USNA '71
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  7. #7
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    Hi John,
    It is a Windows popup for security that asks if I want to "Show all content" or "Only Secure content." It only occurs with SMC site and when trying to create a post or enter text for a PM. I am using Windows 10 and MIE (latest edition). I have tried switching to standard editor and saved using the button at the bottom of the settings page. Unsure about any changes made 6 weeks ago that were associated with this problem.

    Rustic? Well, no. That was not my intention!

  8. #8
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    Oops, forgot to mention that I can enter text if I choose the "Show all content" option in the Windows security pop-up. Thanks
    Rustic? Well, no. That was not my intention!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Utterback View Post
    Oops, forgot to mention that I can enter text if I choose the "Show all content" option in the Windows security pop-up. Thanks
    Hmm.. Perhaps a clue. I am using Firefox. I've removed MIE from my computer so I can't test it. Do you have another browser you can try?

    I'm wondering if a MS update changed something. An update to Win 10 on this Dell 7510 laptop a few weeks ago hosed something and made my touchpad and then mouse fail - not even a pointer or cursor on the screen. I regained control only by using the keyboard to restore a saved Restore Point from before the last update. You might try that (it's reversible).

    Also, do you happen to be accessing SMC with HTTPS instead of HTTP? This gives a more secure connection which is good for sensitive data but does invoke additional security code. I tried it and I don't the security popups you mentioned but I did see some other wonky behavior. If you are using HTTPS, you might try switching to HTTP and see if anything is different. (Just type HTTP:// in front of the Perhaps a combination of factors is causing your problem. Could it be a recent update to a firewall or security settings, Windows Defender or some antivirus program?

    BTW, the issues I just noticed with using HTTPS (on this machine, with Firefox) are:
    - wonky quote and double quotes, the codes displayed instead of the characters
    - the inability to type ANYTHING in any reply using the Standard editor.


  10. #10
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    You nailed it, John. When I changed https to http, the problem resolved and I could enter this message in the typical way. Thanks for your help and all others who responded.

    Rustic? Well, no. That was not my intention!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by John K Jordan View Post
    BTW, the issues I just noticed with using HTTPS (on this machine, with Firefox) are:
    - wonky quote and double quotes, the codes displayed instead of the characters
    - the inability to type ANYTHING in any reply using the Standard editor.

    I recommend everyone log in to SMC using ''
    Lee Schierer
    USNA '71
    Go Navy!

    My advice, comments and suggestions are free, but it costs money to run the site. If you found something of value here please give a little something back by becoming a contributor! Please Contribute

  12. #12
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    Aaron Koehl told me that it depends on the browser you are using. Some browsers will work fine logging in with https and some won't. When we make the change to Xenforo he will drop all access to The Creek using http and move to the secure server access url (https). We don't want to do this right now because it will be a nightmare that will tie up our phones and email for weeks...everyone will have to provide their password again for Xenforo, another issue that will keep us busy for weeks.

    We will make an announcement in our Support Forum when its time to share the conversion schedule. If you don't check the Support Forum frequently you will miss out on the necessary information that will make the conversion painless.

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