Well, I've had a few issues using my four wheel rotary. Finally got settings in Rdworks right to give me correctly dimensioned graphics.
But when I was doing large cups, the cup would move in the x dimension. Well, it was just being tapered not a cylinder. So I put an acrylic stop to help me keep aligned.
That helped a bit, but I just quit trying to get things placed 360 degrees around the circumference.

Well, I purchased a few of the SS can holders. Cylinders, not tapered.
And what the heck! I can SEE the issue! the wheels weren't aligned in the stationary Y axis. The left side is fixed, will only move on rails in X,and vertically in Z no adjustment in Y.
So Looking closer, the entire top section, motor and wheels has adjustment screws to move in Y. Darn, it was probably 1/4" out of align. No wonder it would track at angle.
So, aligned and cylinder rotated perfectly. Check alignment! It's a Duh!
