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Thread: Turning blank storage

  1. #1

    Turning blank storage

    In a recent thread, I was lamenting how my wood hoarding was slowly squeezing me out of my shop, despite having more space than most people in the 'burbs. I finally managed to convince my father to build the barn he'd been talking about for years. It ended up being 30x50 with 12' sidewalls. The building's not quite done yet, but we threw up these shelves for turning blanks. 20' long, the highest shelf is 10' up, about 28" deep. All slats!


    You'd think stacking those high shelves would be difficult, but between the tractor and the scaffolding (when it's level...), it's easy. Unfortunately it isn't enough space for all my blanks, but there's plenty room for more shelves!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Lakewood, CO
    Sweet, I could use something like that myself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    That's awesome. Wish I had that kind of space.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    E TN, near Knoxville
    That looks like a great rack. Get him to install heat and air too.

    You can never have too many buildings. Or too much storage space. Unless you have a compulsive hoarding disorder. I have 11 buildings here if I count the peacock house. 7 contain wood. I may be a wood hoarder.


  5. #5
    "I finally managed to convince my father to build the barn he'd been talking about for years."

    Slick move!! Has your father realized your hidden motive?😄😄😄 Sounds a lot like what happens often with my adult kids.

    Left click my name for homepage link.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    Nice! Looks like you are off to a great start! Remember - the object is to be able to turn everything that you put on the shelves before they self-destruct! I still have bowl blanks on my small set of shelves that are marked 2008 - seems like there is always something more interesting to turn first! Post some photos once you get the shelves filled! Have fun!

    “You never know what you got til it's gone!”
    Please don’t let that happen!
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  7. #7
    My 16 year old daughter just tried this same thing on me last night. Different subject and, sadly for her, different results. The line went something like this. "Daddy, I have a great idea. I have been thinking about which car I would like to get. Remembering that you wanted to start on another restoration, I thought we could kill two birds with one stone. You could teach me about cars, and I could do the work on my own. Sooooo, I found a couple of listings for late model Corvettes, and I really like this red one". I told her that "You had me at restoration, but as soon as the subject matter became a red 'Vette", you were doomed". You would have thought I just beat her. "Baby girl", I said, "next time you want to try to suck up to the old man, try a car I actually like". Now she gets the Volvo S60.

  8. #8
    I think you could have called this post 'store gloat'!!!

    * It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep for life - Sister Elizabeth Kenny *
    I think this equates nicely to wood turning as well . . . . .

  9. #9
    Wow! That's some serious space for storing just turnin' blanks. And you have more than what that space will hold? Amazing!

  10. #10
    He wants to run electrical for welding and his table saw, planer, etc. But otherwise it's for storage. I couldn't convince him to move his whole shop into the barn, put down a slab, or install insulation or HVAC. We are actually probably going to add a lean-to behind it to keep all the lumber (boards), just because it'd be cheap and easy to do. But that's it.

    The old man has his own wood hoard, but he's not adding to it much anymore. He figured out a while back why I kept forwarding him all those deals on exotic wood...

  11. #11
    Gah! The building is already infested.


    Fortunately when we tried to shoo it away, it slithered into the table saw. Wait, what?


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