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Thread: Laguna Dust collector.

  1. #1

    Laguna Dust collector.

    I liked the Revo 18-36 lathe so much that I took advantage of the Woodcraft sale to purchase the 3HP Laguna Cflux dust collector with the last of my income tax return. It is supposed to arrive on Monday.

    Woodcraft had told me that it was on backorder and that it wouldn't ship until March. Feeling a bit depressed I called Laguna to see what a realistic lead time was. A nice young lady answered the phone and referred me to the customer service manager. She told me that he was already on the phone but that if I left a message he would call me back. I got a call back about 10 minutes later and they told me that it was shipped. Laguna has definitely done some work on their customer service. They were quick, professional and polite.

    If this dust collector is as nice as the lathe, I am sold on Laguna. I decided to get started on the new duct work while I am waiting. Here is a picture of the first lead going to the table saw. I have also posted a pic of the dust collection parts and the Long Ranger blast gate switch system I plan to use. The dust collection fittings I sourced locally from an HVAC friend. At significant savings over buying online.

    I will post an unboxing like I did with the lathe when the dust collector gets here.


  2. #2
    I'd recommend you open up that switch and look at the internals. I bought one and even though the switch claimed to be rated for 3hp, the internal components were only rated for 2.

  3. #3
    I will do that. Amazon will take it back if it isn't right. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. #4
    I did a little more work last night. I enlarged the port on the Grizzly table saw to 6" from four and got it piped in.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Prosper, Texas
    Joseph - You are demonstrating a great deal of restraint here. I don't know that I'd be able to focus on enhancing the dust collection properties of my table saw with a brand new Revo sitting within drooling distance!


    Woodworking: It's a joinery.

  6. #6
    I have a Lone Ranger set up for my DC system (Oneida). I suggest 2 on/off remotes. The one in the turning room is on a clip on the wall, the other floats around the flat work area as needed. First remote went out with the shavings, I think...

    robo hippy

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Northeast PA
    I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the DC. I've been kicking around the idea of buying a 3hp C Flux as well, but have been reluctant to pull the trigger over accusations of over-inflated CFM ratings and some negative reviews I've come across.
    I have less than 8' of clear space as my shop is in my basement, so the C Flux's footprint is attractive, as well as its filter efficacy. I think my DC puts as much fine dust back in the air as it removes.
    ---Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny---

  8. #8
    I am having a hard time waiting for the collector to get here.

  9. #9
    Finished up all of the ductwork except for the connection to the collector that is supposed to arrive tomorrow. The manual says that assembly takes 5 to 6 hours. I hope it doesn't take that long. Here are some pictures of the completed duct work. I still have to branch off into the room with the jointer and planer but that will be another project.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    NW Indiana
    I posted a bit ago showing the performance of a couple of 3 hp dust collectors. I got the test data and info on testing from Laguna and it appears they did a reasonable job testing it. If interested you can look at threads I started for one about 3 hp dust collectors.

    My only negative is they have a fairly short cone and dust separation may not be as good as with longer cyclones.

  11. #11
    I will look over your posts tonight Larry. Thank you.

  12. #12
    I have asked to have this post moved to the workshops forum. I apologize for posting in the wrong place.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Tampa Bay area
    Quote Originally Posted by joseph moses View Post
    The manual says that assembly takes 5 to 6 hours. I hope it doesn't take that long.
    When I was reading the manual for my Cflux 3 prior to assembly I read the five or six hours paragraph. Almost laughed to myself, what could possible take that long to put together on a dust collector ? If you have never put one together before or never watched a build video it most likely will take you that long. There are a lot of pieces, nuts and bolts on that pallet.

  14. #14
    The video made it seem like maybe an hour tops. Now I just have to get home from work travel so I can finish it

  15. #15
    This beast has been assembled it is right at 79" tall. I have wanted a real dust collector for a long time. Here are some pics. I fired it up with all but one port closed and I think it started sucking itself across the shop.
    IMG_2208.JPG.jpg IMG_2192.JPG.jpg

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