Ben, I absolutely agree with you. If I bought my sander new from Grizzly they would be taking care of the problem. I posted my story for several reasons. This problem is starting to appear like a common one with this sander. Other folks with this model that haven't checked it for square, should. Folks considering purchase of this sander now know that this squareness issue may be a problem they will have to deal with.

And I was merely pointing out a possible solution for those in my situation (used and/or past the warranty period) who have this sander with a squareness issue. Another possible solution is to have the platen surface ground. But that would likely require purchasing a new graphite strip since the original would have to be removed for grinding.

Lastly, if Grizzly monitors this forum and sees a probable systemic problem in the manufacturing of this machine they may look into and change their process in making the platen.