We purchased our new place about a year ago and I started working on the pole shed almost immediately. Just being a tin shell, it magnified the heat in the summer and was as cold as the outside in the winter. I began with 1 1/2 inch foam board, then furred out the walls for batt insulation. I then sheathed and painted. I had "professionals" come in and spray the ceiling and they did an ok/good job. I then had a ductless mini-split put in and it was an excellent decision. With the Minnesota temperature shifts, the mini-split works a treat during the summer and so far has done excellently to keep the shop at about 60F this fall. It won't be able to handle the weeks of -20 to -30, but I do have another heater as a standby.

This is the first workshop that I can use year-round and it has been excellent.
