After being in this business for over 40 years, I've had several projects that were done for famous people or places.

Now, I've never had like Paul Newman show up at my door or anything like that, it's usually 3rd party jobs. The closest I've had to an actual celebrity wanting engraving done was when a member of the US Olympics Committee showed up with the old box that holds the Winter Olympics flag that the Mayor of the hosting city flies during the games; in the lid of the box is a nameplate from each hosting city from 1960. I got to make the 2002 Salt Lake City plate. I also engraved cowbells for all the US figure skaters, and I engraved 75 cowbells that were used as the stock market opening bells from the State Capital building one day during the Olympics.

I've also engraved a cowbell for Oprah, a belt buckle for the president of Mexico, and the dog tag for the 2004 replacement "Benji", the dog in the Benji movies. (I was given the original to make a duplicate).

--and last week, Tony Bennett bought 2 microphones, that I engrave the part and serial numbers on. I'm told they'll be used in an upcoming movie...

I must admit, it's cool! - Just curious if any of you guys or gals have done 'celebrity' work? Ever have an actual famous person approach you for a job?