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Thread: Automation Technologies laser issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Virginia, USA

    Automation Technologies laser issues

    Just in case you haven't made your purchase yet...
    I purchased a 60watt laser, chiller, and rotary from Automation Technologies in late December as a 'work together package'. First off, the chiller is 220v, not 110v as it was supposed to be so it does not work with my current wiring. (I was specifically told that it would) So I will have to find a power inverter to run it. He will sell me one of course...

    Second, the laser carriage (Y axis) stuttered and made horrible noise when returning to home position, and the table was severely askew. "John", who seems to be in charge there, was totally unfamiliar with the problem or the machine, even though I explained to him that it seemed to be a switch problem. He told me that I need to find an engineer to find and fix the problem. (Since I am not an engineer, I am apparently too stupid to deal with it...) I finally got lucky after going back and forth with him and threatening to return the laser, he let me talk to Tyler who seems to be the only one there who knows anything about their machines at all. He explained how to loosen the belt on the laser floor and manually re-level the table. I figured out how to adjust the trigger for the switch to stop the Y carriage from returning back off the cut area, and stop in an adequate position. (I guess I didn't have to hire an engineer after all)

    I waited a couple weeks before trying out my rotary attachment, and couldn't figure out just how or where it was supposed to plug in. I called John again. I asked if I needed a different plug for the rotary to attach to the back board, and since he didn't know even which machine they sold me, let alone anything about their products, he let me speak to Tyler. As it turns out, they sold me an "old style" laser machine (4 wire stepper motor, as opposed to 3 wire) which is not compatible with this rotary, even though their website says specifically that this rotary is for their 60 watt machine. His options to me were to- 1 return the rotary, 2 return the rotary and to them and they will put in a new motor, or 3 they will send me a stepper motor and I can install it in the rotary. OK...if he can send me out the motor, which is the quickest option, I can rewire and solder it. Then the next day he says it is too hard to make it work, just return it to them and they will wire it. OK, fine. Now he says they cant do that either, I will need to get a different one.Then he won't answer my emails. Finally he responds and says it is Chinese New Year, and can't do anything til after Feb. 16th. I have emailed him twice since then, asked him to call me with absolutely no response, by phone or email. I called him, and he has a woman answering the phone to tell me he is unavailable.

    There is another issue now with the engraver where it will only travel 2-6 inches forward while engraving and then stops and says "not enough room to expand". I can't even get anybody on the phone to discuss this or try to remedy it.
    They have absolutely the WORST customer service and tech support of any company I have ever dealt with. The laser seems to work fine, when it works, but believe me I am kicking myself for not going with Rabbit Laser which was my other option. I figured I could upgrade to a Rabbit in a year or so if I could get my business off the ground. Well, that is not going to happen at this rate, since it was primarily aimed at the Virginia wine country where I live. So now I can do no boxes, no bottles, and nothing over 20x6 inches flat.

    I hope this helps you with your purchase, and anyone else who is considering Automation Technologies Inc. as an option. If I get any resolution, I will update this post. If anyone has any help, info or advice I would gladly love to hear from you!!

    Updated- John will charge me $89 to order me a stepper motor that is compatible with this machine, or reorder a rotary for me, but it'll take 2-3 MONTHS.
    Last edited by Scott Shepherd; 02-21-2016 at 1:05 PM. Reason: Added spaces between lines to make it easier to read
    Don't let the blonde hair fool you...

  2. #2
    You might contact Ray Scott from Rabbit Lasers and see if he can help you. I think he's got more knowledge of the Chinese machines than most anyone in the business. He might know your exact issue and might be able to help you out a lot quicker than 2-3 months. He might not be able to help, but it's worth a call to see if he can help.
    Lasers : Trotec Speedy 300 75W, Trotec Speedy 300 80W, Galvo Fiber Laser 20W
    Printers : Mimaki UJF-6042 UV Flatbed Printer , HP Designjet L26500 61" Wide Format Latex Printer, Summa S140-T 48" Vinyl Plotter
    Router : ShopBot 48" x 96" CNC Router Rotary Engravers : (2) Xenetech XOT 16 x 25 Rotary Engravers

    Real name Steve but that name was taken on the forum. Used Middle name. Call me Steve or Scott, doesn't matter.

  3. #3
    Automation Technologies is basically just an importer/re-seller.
    Do not expect to get quality tech support for anything they sell.

    I've seen similar experiences with them on CNC forums.
    Now, if you just want to buy components, and aren't worried about support, they're pretty good to deal with, and one of the more popular sellers in the DIY CNC market.

    And John is the owner, btw.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Medina Ohio
    Have you had any thing new with your problems. On the out of room that may be a setting in your venders settings to the size of your bed. You have to have the correct size in there or you will get that message. He did offer you the option to send back the rotary so I think that would have been the best thing. Now that their holiday is over have you tried to contact him.

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