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Thread: help replacing win XP on old 'puter

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Mtl, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Saffold View Post
    Thanks Tom & Curt. I've been exploring and found how to get around a bit. I've been using a Mac for almost 2 years and need to do a little re-education.
    Paul, Do you still like this version of linux after using it for awhile?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mebane NC
    Well, as it turns out I’m not using the old HP for internet music, which was my original goal. My wife bought me a Mondo internet radio by Grace Digital. I do use the HP to watch ww DVDs and youtube and FWW videos and a little internet surfing. However it is a slow computer compared to the Mac w/SSD that I’ve gotten used to. I suspect the slowness of the HP is inherent to the computer and not the Linux OS. Its hard to compare a 10 year old computer to a 2 y.o one. I do like having the old clunker in my shop. I don’t worry much about dust. The Linux LXLE is capable of much more than I’ll ever utilize and it is the only version I've tried so can't compare it to others.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Saffold View Post
    And at the worst I know where I can find good magnets.
    Yep, they're inside the hard drive!
    Degaussing a hard drive with magnets is tougher than it sounds and is better left to magnetic tape media. If it's a spinning glass platter hard drive, the easiest way to permanently and irrecoverably destroy the data is with a hammer. Aluminum platters need to take a trip through the (industrial) shredder. Destroy the platters and ain't nobody putting Humpty-Dumpty back together again.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Saffold View Post
    I suspect the slowness of the HP is inherent to the computer and not the Linux OS. Its hard to compare a 10 year old computer to a 2 y.o one. I do like having the old clunker in my shop. I don’t worry much about dust.
    While I will never claim to be a computer expert, I worked on thousands of computers in my previous career. Based on my experience with HP's, I believe your hunch is right that the slowness is due to the HP itself and not Linux. While I love the old HP Laserjets, I would never own an HP computer.

    Until a few weeks ago, I was still running XP on my 10 year old ThinkPad. I finally had to break down and do something different because of internet browsers and antivirus programs crashing on a regular basis due to XP no longer being tested when updates were rolled out. (The laptop & old apps ran great and were still fast. It was the 2015 data that was crashing.) I opted to purchase a Distributer's/Reseller Copy of Windows 7 as that can be used on a refurbished machine.

    I cloned my whole hard drive just to be safe. I then wiped my XP OS partition and installed Windows 7 in that partition while leaving my data partition untouched. Having installed Windows 7 on other brands of older laptops, I was expecting it to be slow. I was greatly surprised that my old ThinkPad boots so much faster with Windows 7 and it runs considerably cooler than it ever has before while running XP. As long as the hardware holds up on my old ThinkPad, I plan to continue using it for as long as possible!
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

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