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Thread: Shaving (not wood)

  1. #76
    A couple years ago I tried a bunch of different razors as my skin was changing and I couldn't get that close shave with my disposables anymore. After trying a bunch I finally got the top Gillette that even has a vibrating head! Was only marginally better than my disposables (and blades were spendy). With nothing to lose I tried a Merkur DE safety razor and haven't looked back. Had to change methods: multiple short strokes vs one long stroke with the "conventional" blades. Also moved to an Edwin Jagger because it had a cool black knurled grip. Astra Platinum blades are relatively cheap and box will last you for years.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Livonia, Michigan
    Nothing has changed since the last time I checked in. Well, I might have changed the blade in the razor but don't hold me to it.

    Since chemo left me with neuropathy in my fingers I imagine any experiments with a straight razor would go like this:

    (Someone peeking in the bathroom): "'Whatever it is, it can't be that bad! Remember you have family! Friends! Well, family anyway. Just put down the blade and let's talk!"

    I think I'll just stay with the safety razor.


  3. #78
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    I believe I might go back to a good old saftey (DE) razor. My grandfather gave me one of his old ones years (probably 50/55) ago that I haven't seen in probably 45 years.
    I see a lot of people here say the shave closer & with less irritation. I'm all for that!
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Monroe, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Engelhardt View Post
    Anyone using the Dollar Shave Club?
    I've been using them for a couple years now. I'm happy. I really like their Shave Butter too. I find the blade supply to be way too many on their schedule, but they send an email a few days before shipping and its very easy to skip a box (or add extras) with no penalty.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    Well - the delivery guy dropped off my brand new DE safety razor yesterday & I couldn't wait until this morning rolled around & I could give it a try.

    Two things - I forgot how close and smooth and comfortable shaving could be. I really wonder why I got away from this and went to a BIC when disposables first came out!
    2nd - I forgot to order a styptic pencil along with the razor and blades! LOL! I forgot all about how super easy it is to let that big old head go sideways on your face!
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Carrollton, Georgia
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Engelhardt View Post
    I forgot to order a styptic pencil along with the razor and blades!
    Why put up with it ? Is getting that close of a shave that important ? A man's facial hair will be back by lunchtime. Use an electric shaver and make it easy on yourself.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    Electric - - OUCH!!

    My skin is super sensitive & the couple times I used an electric were experiments in agony.
    I had such a nasty rash on my neck I couldn't wear a shirt with a collar for days.

    A close shave is a side benefit of a DE shaver.
    Comfort is the main reason to use a DE blade. A DE blade is much, much, much sharper than the ones they put in a disposable.
    You just have to pay attention to what you're doing is all.
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  8. #83
    Get one of those sampler packs of blades. The differences are pretty large. Feathers and Astras were the best of the bunch for me. Settled on the Astras because they were more forgiving than the super sharp Feathers but still gave just as close of a shave.

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Engelhardt View Post
    Electric - - OUCH!!

    My skin is super sensitive & the couple times I used an electric were experiments in agony.
    I had such a nasty rash on my neck I couldn't wear a shirt with a collar for days.

    A close shave is a side benefit of a DE shaver.
    Comfort is the main reason to use a DE blade. A DE blade is much, much, much sharper than the ones they put in a disposable.
    You just have to pay attention to what you're doing is all.
    That's for sure Rich.

    I use a Merker DE razor with Astra blades, as Brandon has also recommended.

    The hot shaving soap off the brush is great as well as I can make it thinner than aerosol foams...........Rod.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Putney, Vermont
    I went back to my old DE razor a few years ago. I like the Williams shaving soap with my own brush.
    I found a package of 100 Gillette DE blades made in Russia for a very reasonable price. Should last me till the end of my time.
    Better shave and much cheaper then disposables.

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