I am bipolar, and anticipation of an event makes me go manic. Such a simple sentence reflects years of not knowing what is going on, and now knowing. A while back, maybe 2 months now, I went manic and did irreparable damage to my relationship with my wife. I went to my psych and asked if there wasn't something that could be done and she prescribed a pill for when I become manic. I have tried them and they work great. They are expensive, about a dollar a pill and 3 pills a day. They are also addictive, so you can't just pop them like candy.

My daughter Mary was diagnosed with ITP and on Tuesday will go into surgery and have her spleen removed. An event like that is enough to send me into mania.

Here is where it gets really bad, the hand tool content. On top of Mary's surgery, I saw something on Craigslist and have made a deal with the guy, but will not have the actual cash to pick it up until next Friday. He is supposed to hold it for me. I am not sure how I am going to make it through this week, but I am definitely going to need my pills. I have to try and keep my mouth shut for a whole week.

Your thoughts for my daughter's surgery are appreciated.