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Thread: Dust collector pics and ideas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Central MA

    Dust collector pics and ideas

    I've talked about a few of my installation ideas in the past and I figured it's better to post the pics in a new thread instead of them getting scattered an buried. System in an Oneida V3000 with HEPA filter.

    The first pic shows the basic install with the cyclone mounted over a 200 gallon dust bin. The bin has a full height window to monitor how full it is and a 4" capped opening on top to be able to reach in and pack the dust down or retrieve a wayward object. Also note the magnahelic to monitor the filter status.

    Pic #2 shows the filter bypass. This vents outside and allows for easy cleaning of the filter without removinig it. I also use the bypass when I'm running the wide drum sander to keep the filter from loading.

    Pic #3 shows the outside cleanout for the bin. I just put a tarp down and shovel it out a few times a year. Also, the filter bypass vents under the enclosure.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Highland MI
    Blog Entries
    I like it! The 200 gallon bin you empty from outside.

  3. #3
    Wow! Thats a high class install. I love it when people do things well and tailor the solutions to make them work in the most effective way for their particular shops.

    You guys are gonna cost me money. I just know it. (The dylos and hepa filter are just the edge of the slippery slope.)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Anchorage, Alaska
    Nice work, John! :-)

    Jim in Alaska
    One can never have too many planes and chisels... or so I'm learning!!

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