I am doing 3 exterior doors with Epifanes, laying flat on saw horses. About 4 coats in, and have let the initial coats dry several days/week each before recoating. On one of the doors, while sanding with 220 or 280, rather than getting the usual dust I started to get little rollies like from a white eraser. The finish feels dry and the sanded surface feels okay, but I am wondering if this means I have adhesion problems between the top coat being sanded and the next deeper coat.

Please tell me I am okay and just overthinking things . . . .

Also, where do all the dust nibs come from? Yesterday i vacuumed the sanding dust, then wiped them with paint thinner, and i closed my shop doors and windows. This morning I used a hand squirter water bottle to mist the floor (my neighbor has a new definition for crazy), moved slowly so as not to stir up any lingering dust on the floor, dry wiped the doors again, applied the varnish, tipped it off with the brush vertical and slow . . . . . . . . and by the time i finished the third door I noticed the nibs had come to town.