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Thread: Glass Engraving Distortion

  1. #1

    Glass Engraving Distortion

    There have been a few posts on engraving glasses and the distortion you get. There was recently a question on tapered glasses. Several people answered with good but only partial answers. As others mentioned as the diameter gets smaller so does the engraving area, hence the taper. Without getting technical, I wrote an Excel sheet to calculate the distortion needed to compensate for straight tapered glasses. I have tried to make it user friendly. When you open it there is a picture of a glass on the "input" side. Fill in the requested dimensions and the distortion dimensions will show on the "output" side. Just go into Corel and use the Envelope function to distort your graphic.

    I did a sample on a plastic glass (this all I could find at the time). Hopefully the picutres below will show the difference. And the Excell sheet is also attached for you use. I would be interested in how this works out for others also.

    I hope this helps.
    Epilog Mini 24 - 45 W
    Roland PNC1000
    CorelDraw X3
    FlexiSign 7.6

  2. #2
    Excellent, certainly makes a big improvement but what happened to the Excell attachment ?


  3. #3
    Sorry. I tried to upload it but it just come up over the size limit. I'll have to zip it and try again. I have Winzip on my work computer.
    Epilog Mini 24 - 45 W
    Roland PNC1000
    CorelDraw X3
    FlexiSign 7.6

  4. #4
    Real, will this work with vector images, bitmaps, or both?

  5. #5

    Spreadsheet Attached

    Hopefully the zipped spreadsheet is attached.
    As for Vector or bitmap, the sample I did above was a vector image, bitmaps can be distorted also. I haven't done much with bitmaps, but don't see why it would not work. All the spreadsheet will do is tell you how much to distort.

    Hope this helps.

    Epilog Mini 24 - 45 W
    Roland PNC1000
    CorelDraw X3
    FlexiSign 7.6

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