Thanks for the continued responses. I do have the Chest of Drawers book and it does have a similar dresser, but there are a couple differences that I've been having trouble with conceptually. The first is that I am using vertically oriented rails. I think that horizontal orientation is more common and often uses dovetail or double horizontal mortises to secure. I'm planning on using a single vertical loose tenon instead. The other major difference is that I plan to secure a vertical stile against the post. I've not seen this approach used or discussed anywere, and I'm struggling with it. For the time being, I plan to rabbit 1/4" into the post and glue the stile in place. I do wonder if I should consider using a long dovetail cut instead.

Thanks for further elaboration on using the webframes. I've had many concerns over it. I'm worried that if I notch around the post and secure to the stile that there is not enough contact area between the webframe and the stile (since only around 3/4" to 1" will be exposed from the rabbit in the post). If I read correctly, you may be recommending a plywood divider for the bottom section of drawers and possible a stinger or two for the top sets of drawers? Maybe similar to what Travis recommended earlier in the post?

I am interested in using this method as it may be easier for me (ie: less likely that I'll screw it up :-) ).
