Here's the scenario: rural setting, small village near metro area. 35 MPH speed limit, but they go by all day and most of the night at speeds, at times well above 60, even 70. (I'm pretty good at estimating) There have been several serious accidents (thankfully no fatalities) in the past several years as it is a straight stretch of road, houses on both sides, and then a downhill stretch that cannot be seen until one is close to where the downhill begins. At 35 MPH it's not dangerous but at 50 its starts to get a little scary. The police won't agressively patrol. City councils are deaf. Any ideas -- legal ones -- to make 'em ease up on the gas pedal? For example, I know one town that put an old Hiway Patrol cruiser on an approach near the city limits with a manequin. That seems to slow the traffic but we don't have one of those old cruisers around. (Not saying where this is for my own reasons, and one can only guess because it's not my beloved home state listed on my bio.)