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    What are your thoughts? (Votes: 6)

    1. Been doing it like (or equivalent) this for years. (Votes: 4)

    2. Wow! Never thought of that. (Votes: 0)

    3. Been doing it with mirrors. (Votes: 2)

    4. Ain't got a boat, truck, care… (Votes: 0)

  • Recent Forum Posts

    Michael Zerance

    Dust collection design - 2400sqft shop

    Solid info here.

    I had thought that all Clearvue cyclones came with an 8" inlet, hence my recommendation to use 8" mains. I just

    Michael Zerance Today, 9:35 PM Go to last post
    dirk martin

    Carving Edges. Need Bit

    This, exactly.
    And in order to "make" a live edge like that, I'm willing to go as slow as I need to, with as many passes as necessary.

    dirk martin Today, 9:28 PM Go to last post
    Doug Garson


    Yeah, I didn't answer your question, I assume the pollsters will claim there's a scientific method they use but I think there's more black magic than

    Doug Garson Today, 9:20 PM Go to last post
    Ken Fitzgerald


    I use the same tactic. Even if a pollster gets a good sampling, the results can be reported in a biased manner that completely disagrees with the numbers.

    Ken Fitzgerald Today, 9:18 PM Go to last post
    Brian Hale

    Sun Tiger water stones

    That would be logical

    My recently acquired son in law is interested in woodworking but space and his other hobbies limit how far

    Brian Hale Today, 9:11 PM Go to last post
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