New Member Maurice McMurry from Columbia MO. Our son in law is a St. Louis expat. Our son is a current St. Louis resident with a project house that we visit fairly often. Go Cards! Go Blues!
I keep looking at the $1 houses (mostly in north city). I am too much of a coward to think very seriously.
A grim depiction of the big picture. I wonder if those railroad tie workers felt like woodworkers?
I talk to myself in the shop, at work, and around the house too. This is a big story around Central MO. and all along Boones Lick Road (St Charles to the Salt Spring in Howard County). Our mobile home site is on the old road (CR442) and ends 12 miles west at the spring. The spring is visible from the North East corner of Mom and Dads farm. Salt Creek forms part of the East property line. This is making me think twice about the legitimacy of land ownership.